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Posts posted by fatih

  1. ilko_t, yes I tried. I need IIS on the USB stick, actually.

    I tried install from CD, not installed. I saw a "blue screen error" to GUI part of installation. I thought of doing this will solve the problem. (?? If possible GUI part install complate... with this method (select and run GUI part from another apps)...) I can not tell..

    because of your software and HOWto notes, now, I have learned to install windows from the USB stick. I can install windows from USB to any netbook. Thank you very much for your help and software.

  2. Hi,

    I do not know enough English. Google translate wrote this post:) I have a toshiba 4gb flash disk. I made the transaction http://www.sentire.co.uk/index.php?s=Insta...amp;x=6&y=9 address. usb flash disk from the computer booted up. now my display "grub>" writes. Did it wrong? "grub>" prompt what should I write.

    Thanks to everyone.

    You most likely have the same problem like this one:


    Check in your BIOS for option to emulate USB stick as HD/hard disk.

    Thank you very much for your answer.

    The first boot device in BIOS settings, hard disk. USB stick, in HD list. The first hard disk toshiba usb. Is not in removable disk list.

    boot on USB stick is successful.

    "grub>" written in the command line. If this is not wrong:

    What should I write in the command line for see WinXP setup menu?

    If this is wrong.. Please help for this problem.


    edit: format usb stick using hp format tool-ntfs. WinXP now installing. thanks.

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