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  1. Gents, I've gor a problem with my RIS installation. When my client is installed, the local administrator logs on for 1 time. In this session I want to installed my default applications by using a VB-script. But when the logon completes XP asks me to "OK" the vb-script. Is there a way to kick off the vb-script without any questions? -Q-
  2. it´s a BMP that our client wants to use on a resolution of 1024x768.
  3. i´ve tried that, but (ther is always a but) i want to change it in a regvalue, and i´ve found that either. but it isn´t permant
  4. Please Help, After I installed my windows XP my icons still show the color of the background.... on my adminmachine they don´t. Where can i set this setting...... please help maybe i should be more specific. After the unattended install, a wallpaper is set. My problem is that the color of the background is still visible thru the iconlabels. On my own XP workstation the iconlabels are transparant, and i want this to be set for the users as wel. Working a day on the setting, but can´t find it....so please help me out here. my problem is simular to: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?act=ST&f=70&t=22142&st=
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