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Posts posted by bubbs

  1. Hi,

    I am new for unattended file system.

    I need help to write an unattended file to join the domain. Here are the steps:

    Step 1. I need to restart server in hypervisor mode from Server 2008 R2 server. To perform this I am using unattended xml file which will change

    the boot entry.

    Step 2. Now restart the server in Hypervisor mode. Here I need to join Domain.

    Step 3. Restart again in Hypervisor mode and run the test script.

    I am looking for help to join the domain (step 2).

    - Do I have to create one more unattended file to perform the task of step 2 or I can append the code in existing one?

    - Code for joining the domain.

    Appreciate your help on this.


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