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Posts posted by ChTh

  1. I will not alter the shell extension library. This would affect the editor, perhaps a rewrite of CMenu to acommodate the changes...

    The current extension works fine. This is my final discision on this matter.

    Actually, the extension does not work fine. Take my word for it, I wrote it. :-)

    I haven't looked at the code for years, but unless you made some modifications to it, it could crash Explorer on pre-W2000 if you mark a lot of files, due to overflows in the registry and other oddities. Not that it applies in this particular case though. However, you might want to migrate your stuff to another shell extension than CMenuExtender, since I can't really recommend anyone to use it any longer.

    And in answer to another question, the license does not prevent reworking the code and redistribute it, as indeed MHz has already done.

  2. > Just haven't figured out what enuffsaid want's to do.

    I'm not sure either, but a classic solution I told people that mailed me with their problems was to use a .bat-file. Enuffsaid might be able to use something like

    @echo off
    c:\some_program_you_want_to_use.exe -input_dir %1 -output_dir %1

    and direct a menuitem to that file. Using a bat-file you can get more fine-grained control over the commandline arguments. The above example combined with <send_folder> would provide a function that CMExt in it self can't.

    > Yep gotta look for that cmd.exe in XP

    It works in W2K as well. My version works in W95+, but if yours works in previous Windows-versions, it is more tidy.

    > Hmm maybe need's to modify my source??

    > Does that work out??

    You can compile and build CMExt with Delphi 6 Personal Edition available free from Borland. One of the reasons I cancelled CMExt was that my Delphi 4 didn't work in NT and I didn't know Personal Edition could build CMExt. I only found out 6PE worked with CMExt a few months ago, so now I'm considering making a new version.

  3. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Revenger inc.\CMenuExtender\Contents]
    "002_item"="<command>cmd.exe</command><caption>Dos here</caption><commandline>/k cd /d</commandline><icon>pifmgr.dll,0</icon><description>Dos here</description><sendfolder>"

    Neat. That's a lot smarter than what I use in my un-official, non-released version that corrects the problem.

    // Open a command window like cmd /k "d:" && cd "Program"
    if (o.dwPlatformId=VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) then

    if (fName='*') then Exit;

    dir_str:=Copy(fName, 0, 2);

    if (not isDirectory(fName)) then

    cmd_str:='/k '+dir_str+' && cd "'+fName+'"';
    ShellExecute(0, 'open', 'cmd.exe', PChar(cmd_str), nil, SW_NORMAL);

    If I ever make a new version I'll credit you for that one. :-)

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