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Posts posted by esthios

  1. Ponch :

    I see them deleted when nlite executes my choices.

    I copied the full cd in the repertory.

    The files i can figure out are : setup.exe ; winnt32.exe ; winnt.exe ; usetup.exe and surely more of them

    Kelsenellenelvian :

    is "manual install and upgrade" where u choose the automatic mode ?

  2. Hello everyone,

    I'm new in creating unattended install. I discovered a few days ago some different ways to create a personnal boot cd for xp. I've been threw lots of tuts and decided to create my cd with nlite.

    I got an original xp cd with SP2, added SP3 and one hotfix, made some modifications still with nlite.

    When i create the processus, the setup.exe and the files needed for the install are deleted by nlite. I tried many ways but cant create something valid.

    Can someone help me with this problem ?

    Excuse me for my poor english.

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