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Posts posted by goatfuzz

  1. I know I've seen this in the forums, but now I can't find it. During my unattended install, when my list of programs shows up to install during RunonceEx, the list of programs installing goes off the bottom of the screen and I can't see which program is currently installing.

    How do I make this show up in a "scroll box"? (so I can keep tabs on what's installing so I can tell if it's doing correctly).


  2. Hi there,

    the command is correct, so what's the problem?

    Getting it in the "RunOnceEx.cmd"?

    Yes, exactly! All the examples of RunOnceEx I've seen don't use echo and such, so I'm unsure of how to put it in the RunOnceEx.cmd. I'm really new to all of this but I understand cleanup.cmd and start.cmd MUCH better than I understand RunOnceEx. SO, do I put it in RunOnceEx the way it is, or do I need to word it a little differently? OR am I better off putting it in my cleanup.cmd file? {I understand how to do that}


  3. Can someone tell me how I reformat the line below for use in RunOnceEx.cmd? I really need to use this but don't understand enough of what I'm doing to reform it for use.

    I'm beginning to think that I maybe have to use either cleanup.cmd or menureorg.bat to do this. Is there a preferred "correct" way to do an account delete like this?


    [ECHO Deleting ASP.NET User Account created by .NET Framework 1.1...

    net user aspnet /delete]


    Hopefully, this will complete my project. I've just been working on this for 6 weeks and really need to finish up.

    Thanks for any and all help..

  4. You can. Keeping things in order may be tedious unless you can change the way the Creator program numbers the keys. Do you have a link to the program so I can have a look?

    Here is a link to the RunOnceEx.cmd Creator I'm using [ http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/runonceexcmd/setup2.6.1.0_RC3.exe?download ]. it's by eagle00789. Great program - I wasn't understanding ROE at all until I started using his little program. Now I at least vaguely have an idea what I'm doing.

    I'm also attaching a txt file version of my RunonceEx cmd file so you can see what it's doing. I guess I'll just manually change every key past key99. The program has a few other quirks I've found, but I figured out how to work around them. {I also wonder if the bugs are partly created by errors dring file transfer over the 'net}.



  5. I'm trying to learn the RunOnceEx method of installing apps and have been using the RunOnceEx.cmd Creator program. When the program gets to the 99 key, it's stops counting. Everything above key 99 becomes %KEY%\099. I was going to go in and manually change the keys to 100 etc, but thought that maybe it won't work. Is it ok to continue the numbering right on 100,101,102 and so on. If so, I'll just manually do it.

    I'm slowly getting this stuff, but wow! it's confusing to me. I tried to search for my answer, but I'm apparently not wording my search right cause I don't find anything close.

    Thanks for any help!!

  6. Yes, in 95% of cases the switches will still work correctly even after you change the filename.exe

    I think some InstallShield compiled applications actually require you to use their "Setup.exe" to start the MSI file, but those apps are getting few and far between, post back if you run into any troubles.

  7. I've looked but haven't found an answer that seems to fit my question -please forgive me if this is a simple thing I should know. I'm very new to doing this silent install/unattended cd stuff and really don't understand a lot of it.

    If I have a file named xyzsetup.exe and i change the name to printer1.setup to help me identify it better for my own purposes, will the silent install switches like /s, /q, etc. still work correctly when trying to install the programs?

    Thanks for any help!!

  8. g-force, yes that's about exactly what I'm trying to do. I just can't figure out how to set it up as I'm building my unattended install in nlite.

    I'm gonna experiment with your file, I have computer that I'm using as a test dummy.. a 10g hdd and I just reformat and change the os with every try. It's great for not messing up my main computer!

    I've got a LOT of learning to do yet. I really don't understand what I'm doing, but I'm trying! Thanks!!!

  9. For an unattended setup, I've been trying to get sub-folders into my programs list so my start-programs list isn't a mile long. I can't figure out how to make the subfolders go where I want them. I've read in the forums but I just don't quite get it as to how to.

    I'd like to get it so that I have, for example, start/programs/browsers or start/programs/text readers, etc. and then my actual items listed in each sub-folder.

    I just cannot figure it out. I've been learning to do some things, but I just don't understand this stuff.

    If someone could explain it in simple language, I would really appreciate the help.


  10. I need some help. A noobe to resource editor, I've been comparing usetup.and smss.exe with resource editor, and I would swear they are the same file.

    So, do usetup.exe & smss.exe mirror each other?

    Something was accidently changed in usetup and not sure what it was, and I'm hoping I can copy smss and write over the mistake to get my usetup back.

    It truly was an accident, my wife's new kitten jumped on the keyboard before I could stop him.

    If I have to, I'll copy the file again from the cd, and go thru the hassle of uncompressing, but I'd just like to be able to cut& paste if I can.


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