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Posts posted by Trigger911

  1. Hello everyone,

    I was wondering if I could get some help with Small Business Server 2003. I had a friends server go down and ISA was the problem there was no fixing it I do not have a clue what happened but I spent a week trying to repair it. I think the problem Stemmed from him using SharePoint and Exchange and he didn't decommission theses services correctly. I did a clean install of the server and setup his WINS, DHCP, AD and a few other services he was still using. I tried to import his backups but the problem came back and I also tried repair installs. I hope this background info might help.

    My question is pretty complicated for me as I have never really used NTBackup or tape drives but I have been reading up on it. But he had paid a company to come in and set up his system and I seen his NTBackup script was backing up to a secondary drive and then writing that to a drive and he is using 5 tapes (1 for each day of the week). I know it was also schedule being configured by NTBackup. I have been reading and seen how to get the tape information for the script itself but I can seem to get it to write to different tapes but the original and I have to create to jobs 1 to back to the secondary internal and 1 for the tape. I see this causing problems down the road. Is there a way to get this working the way it was before I had to wipe it?

    I also noticed the original install had a Server Manager Console on it and its not showing up anywhere on the system and he has all 4 disc for the install I have looked for this part but I cant seem to find the installers accept for Sharepoint and Exchange ( he moved them to a windows 2008 r2 server).

    Thanks in advance for any help or tips.

  2. Hello everyone,

    I have gotten some very good information here and I was hoping I could call on all the members here again for another question problem I am having. I have 2 network cards and I want to use one for internet and the other for sharing (SMB, media extenders). I have gotten SMB working pretty well and fixed a lot the connection problems I was having by making an ACL not allowing the sharing interface to access the wan port. SMB I just setup by IP to use the sharing interface. My real problem now is getting the media extenders use the share interface.... I have done this with Linux in the past but Windows is a real plain to implement and to find short clean answers on what I am trying to do.

    Thanks in advance,

    Triggs out

  3. Hello Everyone,

    This is my First post here at MSFN, but I have been a lurker here for years. I was wondering if anyone has seen threads and such that contain common problematic Programs or Drivers that will cause Windows 7|Server to fail. I have seen many post on this I think this would be an awesome sticky and it would be a very good topic to get going so everyone can get a working image knowing what they can and can't use. I spent about 2 weeks trying to create an image and mine is done but I have been trying to update it and I have not gotten one to finish.

    The only change I have made from my last image is I have updated Adobe (9.2 to 9.3), updated Windows and I have disabled some services. I have included the changes in the registry with my post and I have exported the default service settings before I started making changes.

    Also what services must be on for sysprep to work correctly?

    Problems I have had so far:

    Sound Max Drivers

    Symantec End Point Protection (works fine if deactivated)

    Thank you eveyone for reading and in advance for all the help =)



  4. HI

    I have a bundle of office 2007 professional and Enterprise edition .

    i want to install Enterprise edition through unattended installation. But after creating the MSP file also and running the command

    setup.exe /adminfile filename.msp

    the setup asks whether to continue with professional or Enterprise edition


    can any body help me in this matter


    I have a bundle of office 2007 professional and Enterprise edition .

    i want to install Enterprise edition through unattended installation. But after creating the MSP file also and running the command

    setup.exe /adminfile filename.msp

    Thanks for this information I have been trying to build a network install and the place I work is a mess we still have access 2007 databases up (2007 hates them) but the installers I made kept coming up with the choose product, but I can’t wait to get to work to get this up and running. But the disc we got from MSDN has a lot more software bundled on it, but it’s pretty much every version. I just want the standard suite (Enterprise) to run but my main question that is left would you know what folders I should dump. Should I just delete all the folders with *.WW?

    Thanks a ton in advance

    Triggz out

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