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Posts posted by mohelblidi

  1. Bear woke up, checked his stash and standing guard.

    Changelog and download

    This one is basically to catch up with the updates.

    Lets see if it has some tiny worms eating the bits.


    09.11.2008 - v1.4.9.1

    09.04.2008 - v1.4.9 (nlite.exe v1.4.9.1)

    09.01.2008 - v1.4.9

    07.20.2008 - v1.4.8

    07.01.2008 - v1.4.7

    06.12.2008 - v1.4.6

    Note: I read that some of you think that nLite breaks the floppy F6 method. That is not true, it is a Windows limitation, just disable the OEM Preinstall on the Unattended - General page or integrate the driver.

    but we can not integrate ie8 french in my windows xp sp3 the 09.11.2008 - v1.4.9.1 is not complete

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