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Posts posted by Nick.Morris

  1. Hi all,

    Been a while since i have posted on these forums, but i am back briefly again with one of my problems. Is there anyway to remove the "set as desktop background" in the menu for windows fax/picture viewer? Just can't seem a way anywhere to get rid of it! Really bugging me as some of my users keep doing it! Any help on this would be much appreciated.



  2. LOL very true but i know windows can be a pain in the butt sometimes. All just precautionary questions really.

    Another quick question with the ati driver. The inf file doesnt need any of the files in the directories above the 2KXP_INF does it? Just whole folder = 20mb and just the 2KXP_INF = 6mb. I'm guessing safe to delete the rest (as only want the driver) but just asking to be on the safe side :)

    Cheers for all your help and quick responses! Now to finish off downloading all these drivers :wacko:


  3. Ok that's cool and yes that was the thread in question. I think pretty much all my machines we have here are intel chipsets, so that means they will have to go in the inf folder. Windows has no problems with multiple intel chipset inf files in there does it? This is as the cd will be used for 5 or 6 different types of machine.

  4. Ah thats good. just what i was hoping to hear. We dont ever really use the control panel or the other features needed so it installing just the driver is perfect.

    While i'm here i have another question which i dont thinks been answered in another thread yet but will try again (incase its been forgotten as its in a big thread). Is the chipset the only driver that you need to copy the inf files in the $$\inf folder on your xpcd? Just as i saw on a thread you had to and was wondering if this is standard stuff to do or just a chipset thing.



  5. 1. Then I don't think you're using ATI's newest drivers, but rather Windows XP's built-in drivers. As far as I know there aren't compressed files in ATI's drivers...
    I am using the drivers off the dell site. Probably not the best idea but its what my company wants to do :unsure:
    2. What the hell are you talking about???

    Ok i am probably not the best at explaining things so here i go again...I will try and attach a file and if it doesnt work it pretty much screws up what i am trying to say.

    The attached file is the current structure of how the driver was extracted. You should see all the dl_ and other compressed files i was on about in B_14006 folder. The inf/ini/cat files are in the folder up (2KXP_INF). So my question was does it matter they are compressed type files and do i keep the same folder structure when i put it in the drivers folder on my xpcd?

    If you need a bit more detailed explanation then just say so and i will try my best :D




  6. ok i have an ati driver for a laptop. i have found the drivers for it and going to put it in my xpcd but got couple of questions:

    1 there are alot of files with dl_ and other compressed files. will windows be ok with that or shall i expand them?

    2 currently it is setup from how i extracted it with the inf's and ini's in a folder and then a folder under that (called B_14006) with all the compressed files. do i keep it in the same file structure right? or should all compressed files and ini's/inf's be in the same folder?

    my guess is no need to uncompress the files and keep in same file structure but just wanted to confirm that



  7. yes the /s switch is what silently installs it but it has those 2 popups at end (readme and rose picture), which if installing mass programs silently in a batch file it halts it. the taskkill thing sounds like something that could be what i need. how does that command exactly work or how do i use it or what it is?



  8. Hey all

    Only me again! Nearly finished getting windows to look how i want it to but heres a list of things i can't seem to find out how to do. Hope someone can help me out here!


    1 untick "remember each folders view settings"


    2 mute sound

    3 no sounds theme set


    4 Remove remote assistance. (Tho i just found a possibility for it, with an entry in pchealth section of winnt.sif right?)

    5 get rid of "internet gateway device discovery and control client" (I'm testing on virtual pc, could this be why this is only network component installed in networking services?)


    6 get rid of folder options


    7 untick open submenus when i pause on them with my mouse

    8 untick highlight newly installed programs

    9 dont display control panel

    10 dont display my computer

    for no 10 i used this code


    but on the start menu/taskbar options it still says to display the my computer. i think its the same with control panel too. is this just a thing windows forgets to change in settings when i used above code or is there a better one to use?

    I think thats about all i found wrong with my build so far. Have novell install at t-12 stage so happy managed to get that sorted too and unattended! I think i read somewhere that muting sound was near enough impossible to do as its done per soundcard in registry or something but surely number 3 can be done right?

    So any help with these 10 annoyances for me would be really helpful!



    p.s sorry for the long message!

  9. cheers for that but seem to have found an easier way to do what i want to do. changed my winnt.sif to look like this and it stopped my annoying bug of getting US as default location:


    also with having this too:

       KeyboardLayout="United Kingdom"

    i put in a user default locale before i believe and it screwed with things so took it out and it was sorted

  10. Ok i have got this really annoying problem where i can set all regional settings except the location. I know what the reg setting for this (as below) but it doesnt seem to keep it by the time i get to login. I put this in the regtweaks file that runs off cmdlines.txt but doesnt seem to work. But if i applied in windows normally it would work

    [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Control Panel\International\Geo]

    Anyone got any ideas?



  11. well i have managed to solve the saving anywhere on c:\ with using the "noviewondrive" and "nodrive" regfixes but hmm they can still able to save on desktop. i dont really fancy giving permissions on each pc (or was you thinking of something else?) as ideally would be an automated feature done in the build. we use novell at work and i guess there probably is a way to deploy some of this by netware/zenworks but then theres the problem of laptops offsite......so ideally a quick pc fix will be best solution but any help will be grateful :)



  12. Hi all,

    Been busy getting my unattended stuff together over last few days for company i work in and got quite a bit of my standard setup sorted but couldnt find anything to do with hiding the desktop icon.

    Basically when you save stuff, in the drop down menu there is "desktop" listed. Is there any way to get rid of this (i know how to hide drives and done this)? Or alternatively is there any way to prevent people using the C drive (local drive(s))? I just want to encourage people to save on the network than on the local hard drive(s). So i am trying to prevent every way possible for them doing this, but thats the latest hurdle i have faced. Any ideas on a registry fix for this or another possible way?

    Thanx in advance people


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