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Posts posted by Idleworks

  1. hi,

    i tried to integrate german language to build 7229 x64, process was successfull but installation stops after expanding files to hdd with the error:

    Offline localization failed .... (in german: Offline Gebietsschema ....)

    i couldnt mount the install.wim with image index 4:

    Mount Path:	D:\7Work\Mount
    Image File: D:\7Work\DVD\sources\install.wim
    Image Index: 4
    Mounted R/W: 1

    Opening WIM...please wait...

    ERROR: Unable to mount image.
    ERROR: ???

    iso name: 7229.0.090604-1901_x64fre_client_en-us_OEM_Ultimate-GRMCULXFREO_EN_DVD.iso

    any ideas??

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