How integrate Language pack in Windows 7 RC English in vLite Posted June 16, 2009 hi,i tried to integrate german language to build 7229 x64, process was successfull but installation stops after expanding files to hdd with the error:Offline localization failed .... (in german: Offline Gebietsschema ....)i couldnt mount the install.wim with image index 4:Mount Path: D:\7Work\MountImage File: D:\7Work\DVD\sources\install.wimImage Index: 4Mounted R/W: 1Opening WIM...please wait...ERROR: Unable to mount image.ERROR: ???iso name: 7229.0.090604-1901_x64fre_client_en-us_OEM_Ultimate-GRMCULXFREO_EN_DVD.isoany ideas?? 0
How integrate Language pack in Windows 7 RC English
in vLite
i tried to integrate german language to build 7229 x64, process was successfull but installation stops after expanding files to hdd with the error:
Offline localization failed .... (in german: Offline Gebietsschema ....)
i couldnt mount the install.wim with image index 4:
iso name: 7229.0.090604-1901_x64fre_client_en-us_OEM_Ultimate-GRMCULXFREO_EN_DVD.iso
any ideas??