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Posts posted by zextra

  1. So seeing cdob was a genius to solve my last 64 bit issue, heres yet another:

    Currently I am expanding on a automated O/S deployment tool inherited by another group at my company where the startup means to deploy is by using BartPE. I know this is a 32 bit preinstall and maybe a bit outdated but it's simple and easy to modify and in making long stories shirt, it runs quite nicely for what we need. Currently it deploys W2k, W2k3 x86 and x64, and 2k8 x86 with all needed apps and updates through specialized scripts. So now here is the dilema I am now faced with overcoming, the issue is with 2008 x64. I am able to start the setup and it will copy down and start the setup of all the needed files, but the issue is when it does it's reboot, it will reboot and display the following error:

    \boot\bcd 0xc000000f

    I know this probibly has to do with the fact that it was initaited from a 32bit preinstall and the boot records were set for 32bit and not the 64bit its trying to boot from. I have tried using MBRFIX but to no avail. I have also tried fixing it based on booting from the original DVD and doing the recovery option to automatically fix it. This does work but only for 1 reboot and the message is displayed again. Besides using the repair disk is not an option when doing the unattended build.

    Any suggestions at this point would be greatly appreciated. I really don't want to abandon our current BartPE setup as everything else is running nicely.

    I have the solution to install windows 2008 x64 (or vista) using 32-bit bartpe. here are the steps, i hope someone finds this useful.

    1. Download the attached bcd file. If it is no longer available this is how you generate it:

    Install Windows 2008 x64, after installation grab c:\boot\BCD

    2. Download Windows 2008 x86 32 bit iso

    3. Open Windows 2008 x64 iso and extract install.wim

    4. Open Windows 2008 x86 iso and replace the install.wim with the one from the x64 version. This is located in the sources directory of the iso.

    5. Save the iso

    6. Burn to cd or mount the iso from bartpe.

    7. Run setup /noreboot from the root of the iso. You can add an unattend file as well

    8. After it finishes phase one. Setup quits but does not restart the computer.

    9. Then assuming your windows installation is on C: do this (get bcdedit from 32 bit version of win2k8)

    copy BCD (from x64 version) c:\boot\BCD

    bcdedit /set {bootmgr} device "partition=C:"

    bcdedit /set {default} device "partition=C:"

    bcdedit /set {default} osdevice "partition=C:"

    10. reboot, windows installation will continue and you should not get a bcd error black screen.

    The initial problem stems from the BCD not getting created when installing 64 bit windows 2008 using the 32 bit installer.


    One more thing, if you use an unattended file phase 1 needs to be spicified for x86 architecture and phase 2, after first reboot needs to be specified for amd64 architecture... wierd but works!



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