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Posts posted by pomp3y

  1. ok i must have done something wrong here thank god i was testing it on a different

    hard drive

    by something wrong i mean my disc booted up and loaded windows but

    it didn't add my addon using WPI i think it may have been because of the

    file i need for WPI to boot after install even tho you explained it to me

    i'm still confused cos the $OEM$ folder is in a sources folder but there is already a sources

    folder on the windows DVD the only thing i can think of is to take the $OEM$ folder

    out of the sources folder and put it into the sources folder thats already on the windows DVD

    unless i haven't made the WPI right which i can't see why

    i only tried to use one app which was vlite-1.2 just to see if it would work maybe it's got something to do with that silent switch thing i put /S at the end of the command line but maybe it don't work with that

    if anyone can help me with this then that would be kool thanks in advance

  2. hi there i'm a noob at this well for windows vista anyway lol

    i've gone through you guide step by step and it has completed but now i'm stuck right at the end

    as im using vista and win 7 i take it i have to use the $OEM$ which is located in a source folder

    now here's the noob part lma

    do i place the source folder in to my source folder from my set up disc or just they $OEM$

    in there or do i take out the $OEM$ folder and put it at the root sorry for such a noob

    question but its better to ask and find out

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