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Posts posted by DonnyWith_7_Issues

  1. why would it be an nvidia driver if i dont use nvidia products and also if im installing from a fresh format then why would the install be slow because theres shouldnt even be any drivers in use at that point anyways. correct me if im wrong.. if someone could explaine to me what to do i would appreciate it very much thank you

  2. hi im new here i just wanted to share this info..

    right now i am dual booting with win7 32 and win7 64 just to try to 2 out. i first installed windows 7 32 and everything went fantastic, infact im on it as i type right now. i then partitioned my drive and restarted to install windows 7 64 on my new partition something i have done with every other os in the past. anyways the 64 bit install has been terrible 8+ hours to fisnish installation. and when i get to the desktop its slower than you could imagine.. just wondering why 32 went so well and 64 did not.. these are both legit version of the RC1 7100 release.. and both burned the same way..

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