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Posts posted by sherl0k

  1. nVidia Boot Agent. It PXE boots just fine with Server 2003 x64 as the host, which is what is really confusing about the whole matter. I've got a couple other NICs that are onboard Realtek that are also in the same boat: boots with Server 2003, but not 2008. I checked the configurations of both and they're the same - used "wdsutil /get-server /show:config" to check. I enabled architecture detection also, no dice.

  2. Hi all, I'm in a weird predicament and I'm not really sure how to go forward with this. Running Server 2008 x64, and using WDS to launch WinPE. Typical stuff. I'm running into this problem where after the client PC gets an IP from DHCP (running on the same server as WDS), the screen goes blank. Maybe after a halfhour after it sitting there doing nothing it will show the "Windows is loading files..." bar but it almost looks like it freezes there.

    I've used the same PE file and put it on a bootable thumbdrive, and it loads from that without a hitch. I'm guessing it's something with the network card? Is there another pre-requisite I should be looking at to get these NICs to boot?


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