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Posts posted by nickblame

  1. thank you both and sorry for not finding a same question thread myself. it is a real same though not to be able to do that since stupid cd-roms should be nowdays treated as floppies.(totaly useless).

    to end the noob delirium what about this (!) :

    lets hook the bios into thinking that the usb stick is a usb cd-rom! oh a hitachi one ide interface if you guys can plz. lets "low level emu" this sucker :P

    again thanks and fingers crossed on the ramdisk.sys method!

  2. i know this could seem noobish but here goes:

    what i was trying to do is make a usb stick that replaces the need of a bootcd with any xp iso.

    this new feature does exactly that, it boots your iso with cd emulation. unfortunately text mode installation crashes on starting windows with a nice blue screen.

    i also found out that seting up xp (the unnatended ones) is actually possible with pe enviroment, copy some folders and reboot. well this gets comfusing while following the long guide.

    will it ever be possible to boot any iso as if it were on cd-rom? is there an easy way to have any xp setup iso running off a usb with no errors?

    sorry for the newbie aspect of the post, i really don't want to look like complaining about all these cool efforts on usb setup booting!

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