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Posts posted by tsamo

  1. Also, I just tried to format the usb drive and it won't let me format.

    I tried the regular format and the quick format.

    The method I used was...

    Navigate to My Computer

    Right click on my usb drive

    Select Format

    "Formatting will erase all data....Select OK" -- I select OK..

    Then, nothing...literally. nothing happens after that.

    This is bizarre. I've never seen anything like this before.

  2. I have a usb drive that I tried to copy files onto this week.

    I copied a folder that was about 14gb onto my usb drive. Well, it copied most of them successfully but some of the files became corrupt.

    Here's an example of the file names that came over


    I can't copy, rename, nor delete the corrupt files.

    But, I can copy, rename, and delete the non-corrupt files.

    Any ideas on how to get rid of the corrupt files??

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