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Posts posted by Dj-Throll

  1. Hello.

    I found a solution to this problem.

    I will include the content og the files that I use.




    "REGEDIT /S HKCU.reg"


    @echo off

    cmdow /HID

    SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

    REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Windows XP Installation" /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D "MultiLanguage Pack..." /f

    REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%SystemDrive%\Software\MUIINST\muisetup.exe /i 0414 /d 0414 /l /r /s" /f



    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

    ;Setting the Geographic Location

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International\Geo]


    This sets the Geographic location to Norway.

    Edit this value to your current location, and it will work.

    It works for me :):thumbup

  2. Hello.

    I am currently building an unattended solution for installing Multilanguage Windows XP.

    I have created the shares, and put all the files in the right place.

    This is what happens.

    I start the installation running from WinPE - I configure the disks first.

    My install string is as follows:

    %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Install\i386\winnt32.exe /unattend:%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Tools\unattended.txt /s:%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Install\i386 /syspart:C: /tempdrive:C: /makelocalsource

    My unattended file include these regional settings:









    My cmdlines.txt includes this install string:

    "MUIINST\muisetup.exe /i 0414 /d 0414 /r /s"

    This installes and set the Norwegian language as default.

    If I do this the regional settings defaults to English, with Norwegian language.

    I can se the MUISetup run at T-12 minutes.

    If I drop the MUISetup from cmdlines.txt, the reginal settings default to Norwegian, but the the language is English.

    Do anyone know how I can make the regional setting defaults to Norwegian with Norwegian language ??

    I need some help !!

  3. Hello.

    Here's the story.

    I am building an unattended installation for my company.

    The spec, is that is should be fully unattended.

    I don't want the deployment people to supply the install with anyting.

    This is the idea:

    Make unattended windows install, with partitioning and tweaks.

    I want an 8-10 GB C part, and the rest og the disk to D.

    I havn't looked at WinPE or BartPE before. How can I accomplish this ?

  4. Hello.

    Anyone got this to work while running cd boot with winnt.sif ??

    I am trying to create a 2 GB C partition, but it won't

    Here is my winnt.sif


       OemPnpDriversPath="to long to list"



       AdminPassword="This is a secret"
       ProductID="Product Key"








    Can someone please tell me what's wrong og how I can make this happen ??


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