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Posts posted by chiraag

  1. Thanks a lot. I will check these links to troubleshoot.


    I have been using this image for restores previously. My first setup was running WinPE through a usb [d:] [without installing WiN PE on THE HARD DISK c:]. Disk 0 had just one partition which had WinXP installed. [Pre-requisite].

    These were my steps

    1. Boot [WAKE of lan (network booting)] using a usb which loaded WinpE on RAM.

    2. Run a bat file which would copy Image1.wim into c: [Overwriting the Winxp installed ]

    d:\imagex.exe /applye e:\Image.wim 1 c:

    3. restart the machine using shutdown -r

    The issue i faced is that when i restart, it boots from the USB again, thereby booting WINPE even though my boot order in the bios said "boot from the harddisk".

    This is why i though i should have another partition which would contain WINPE, and using Wrex code i could change the bcd and restart my machine into Winxp.

    one last question would be, In order to add bcd entrie, do i need to have a hard disk partition for WinPE?? or can i do it somehow just using the usb??

    Thanks a lot.

  2. I have an image of Winxp [image1.wim] on a uSB. I capture this image of another Windows xp machine [After Syspreping that machine to factory [sysprep.exe –factory]] using the following command.

    ImageX /capture C:   E:\Image1.wim   " factory image"

    YES!!!! this other machine from where i captured the image did have WinXP installed on first partition ( C:\)

    I am sorry i am not aware of how MBR disk signature is managed. How could i check that??

    After i have captured this image from another machine, i restore this image in the D drive [Partition 2] using the command

    e:\imagex.exe /apply f:\Image.wim 1 d:

    Once i have copied the image, i add BCD entries [Wrex code] and then i restart my machine to expect Winxp to boot.

    I hope i am clear, the setup is a bit complicated. thanks soo much for your quick responses. Appreciate that.

  3. I have a bear metal on which i boot WinPE through a USB [e:]. Then i use diskpart to create two partitions in disk 0.

    Partition 1 [c:]= Winpe [using http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc766195.aspx]

    Partition 2 [d:]= Winxp ..

    For WinXP i first create a partition [as shown below] and then copy an image [e:\imagex.exe /apply f:\Image.wim 1 d:]

    select disk 0
    create partition primary size=<Size of partition to create in MB>
    select partition 2
    format d: /fs:ntfs /y

    After i have copied the winxp image i add entries to BCD [using Wrex code] and then restart my machine. What i actually want is that when i restart i get winxp.

  4. oh thats my bad, actually i have my boot.ini set to partition 2 and it still does not boot.

    multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

    The blue screen is not an error screen or something, if u observe, while booting, WinXP first displays a big Microsoft Windows XP logo then it displays a small windows xp logo after which it displays a welcome message and lastly the login screen.

    My machine hangs on the small windows xp logo [i.e it does not show me welcome]. Hope this makes sense.

    Wrex in order to boot your winxp you place NTLDR, NTDETECT.COM, and boot.ini files in the root of C: [Win PE] and do you get these files from the windows xp cd or you are using the pe version of all these files....

    Thanks so much for all these replies....would be great if i could solve this issue....

  5. Hello Everyone,

    I am trying to build something which need me to switch between Win PE and Win XP. My system has the following:

    Disk 0

    C: WinPE [Partition 1]

    D: WinXP [Partition 2]

    Disk 1

    e: USB [WinPE]

    Here i boot the uSB and let it load WinPE in ram. After this I am using the solution by Wrex described on this discussion [http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=118332&st=0&p=768846entry768846] where i do the following

    xcopy e:\Boot\*.* /e/f/y c:\Boot
    copy e:\BootMGR c:\
    bcdedit -createstore C:\TEMP\BCD
    bcdedit -store C:\TEMP\BCD -create {bootmgr} /d "Boot Manager"
    bcdedit -store C:\TEMP\BCD -set {bootmgr} device boot
    bcdedit -store C:\TEMP\BCD -create {ramdiskoptions} /d "WinPE"
    bcdedit -import C:\TEMP\BCD
    bcdedit -set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdidevice partition=C:
    bcdedit -set {ramdiskoptions} ramdisksdipath \BOOT\BOOT.sdi
    for /f "tokens=3" %%a in ('bcdedit -create /d "WinPE" -application osloader') do set guid=%%a
    bcdedit -set %guid% device ramdisk=[C:]\WINPE\WINPE.WIM,{ramdiskoptions}
    bcdedit -set %guid% path \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\BOOT\WINLOAD.EXE
    bcdedit -set %guid% osdevice ramdisk=[C:]\WINPE\WINPE.WIM,{ramdiskoptions}
    bcdedit -set %guid% systemroot \WINDOWS
    bcdedit -set %guid% winpe yes
    bcdedit -set %guid% detecthal yes
    bcdedit -displayorder %guid% -addlast
    bcdedit -create {ntldr} /d "Windows XP Professional"
    bcdedit -set {ntldr} device boot
    bcdedit -set {ntldr} path \ntldr
    bcdedit -displayorder {ntldr} -addfirst
    bcdedit -default {ntldr}
    bcdedit -timeout 5
    bootsect /nt60 C:

    I also add NTLDR, NTDETECT.COM, and boot.ini files in the root of C: [i get these files from my windows xp cd]

    My boot.ini file is as follows

    [boot loader]
    [operating systems]
    multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

    Now when i execute this code and restart my machine, it starts my windows xp but after displaying the Windows XP logo it hangs on the windows xp blue screen [before it displays login screen]

    I am really not sure what i am doing wrong here. I guess it could be something regarding the ndldr files i am using as i have never seen Windows XP start booting and hang in between.

    Please help..........


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