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Posts posted by 1handle

  1. This seems so simple yet and no one appears to be having this problem. If I've posted this in the wrong place please accept my apology.

    I downloaded this application; the MD5 matches. When I open it up, I'm prompted for a program to open it with (???) and every program I've tried fails. Deleting the file and downloading another copy yields the same outcome :wacko: .

    This is too basic. I'm missing something.

  2. I downloaded one (or more) updates in error. Now, whatever was downloaded, is available to implement during the power down process. How do I kill that update?

    This is what happened: The Microsoft update icon was displayed on my toolbar indicating a download was available. Normally, you left-click the icon and a dialog box opens describing whatever is there to be downloaded...but not this time. What did happen was the download was initiated; I presume my fat fingers are to blame.

    I have been disappointed in the past with updates. It isn't my intention to put Microsoft down but I've learned not trust and have been rewarded by taking care.

    So my question is, "If a Microsoft update is downloaded in error, how do you ensure it is never implemented"?

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