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Posts posted by Gistum

  1. Yes :). Actually all the clients are under WinXP pro, and I tried to setup a VPN server using the WinXP build in version.

    I don't have any specific hardware for VPN, just a cable modem and 2 lan cards (one connected to Internet, the other to a local lan).

    I made accounts for clients, and as I said, one can log in without any issue, but when a 2nd one tries to log in, he gets an error like : someone is already connected (cant remember the error number) ...

    Wonder if WinXp can handle more than one client at once ... as the server setup is very simple (with no real options like in Win2k RRAS).

    Any help is welcome :rolleyes:.


  2. Hello, I'm having a hard time with setting up a VPN under WinXP pro.

    Here is my problem. I manage to set up the server and clients have no problems logging on.

    The issue is only 1 client is allowed to log in at once ...

    I can't manage to get several ppl connected at the same time ...

    Is something not configured as it should be or is WinXP pro not able to to handle more than 1 client ?

    Any help would be welcome.


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