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Colin MacLaren

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Posts posted by Colin MacLaren

  1. Today I made a Vista-DVD with vlite removing stuff I don't need like Media Center, Security Center or Windows Defender. The installation went smooth without any porblems. However, now I am not able to install the German MUI. The language setup starts, but the integration fails at about 3/4 progress.

    So far I haven't found a solution yet.

    Could anymone explain how to integrate a lp.cab into a vlite-image?

    Or does anyone have a suggestion which removed component could be the cause for that error?

    Thanks for your help!

  2. Hi Leutz!

    I'm going to install Windows 2003 Server on a RAID0-array using an Sil3112A controller. I tried the floppy/F6 method, the drivers and the array are recognized correctly, but as soon as setup starts copying files, it tells me sil3112r.sys could not be copied.

    So I'd like to an unattended instalation using a CD that already includes the latest SATA-RAID-drivers (which are WHQL-certified for Win2003).

    I tried RayanVMs raid driver pack as well as this guide, both times I got

    "File \$OEM$\iaStor.sys could not be loaded. The error code is 18. Setup cannot continue. Press any key to exit"

    Searching around the forum didn't help me out either.

    I'm a dirty noob concerning unattended windows cds, so a step-by-step-guide for slipstreaming the specific driver I'm going to use would be really appreciated :)

    The driver can be found here.

    Thanks for your help!


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