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Posts posted by freshhh

  1. First thanks all for trying to help me, I really appreciate!


    I saw it running after the reboot (black dos screen) but i didn't watched carefully to see if all was fine at that time I thought everything was fine so far...

    Error(s) listed in event viewer

    After the installation, the only little error reported is a webcam driver VX3000 not installed in system32...

    (weird that it tried & reported a failed attempt to install this particular driver coz anyway none of others (NVIDIA/Samsung monitor/...) have been correctly installed... only M$ generic)


    I don't remember clicking on the list but I guess this is the best simple explanation, very dangerous feature btw ;-)


    The "Out of Body Experience" yeah I wish ;) Hehe well ok OOBE mode is to bypass WGA verification right?

    Yes this time I've disabled wga but I'm running in admin mode (no password for now) and no others accounts created...

    ISO size

    There is another tip to understand what's going wrong...

    Before making the iso I made some tests (each time with a fresh source, not modified already) but the weird thing is that everytime the size remained the very same 780MB. No difference if DirectX or Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 were integrated or not...

    I was very suspicious about missing something...

    Working directory

    The runonce dir & Run1_XP-64.bat should be put in nLite root or in the same root than hotfixes?

    I put them in the nLite dir... Hotfixes & drivers were in another dir...

    Anyway why drivers haven't been added? (I browsed and added them in the nLite driver area like for hotfixes).

    Do you guys put your drivers in the runonce dir?


  2. about 680 IE7-WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB960714-x64-ENU.exe

    i've no idea why it is listed at the top of the list, i didn't make that on purpose, all have been added at the same time and i correctly put the number at the beginning so all updates are done in the order... (well at least i thought it was that way)

    i didnt run nlite more than once on the same source (anyway if u want to do that there is an alarm)

    the only thing a bit unusual i've do is to slipstream wmp11 in the iso at first with the slipstream tool and not via nLite... and then i've used nLite with the modified iso...

    still dont understand why nothing except hotfixes have been autoupdated...

    is the section bellow correct?


    TimeOut /T 40

    CMD /R %Source%Run1_XP-64.bat

    not edited, i left the original unmodified...

  3. well i guess i'll try to make some room for WMware again... ;) but so sad there isn't currently a light alternative like Sandboxie for x64...

    about space... i made a new custom XP but the size is now more than a classic 700MB cdrom can handle... is this normal?

    i thought removing latest directx would have been enough but i still get the same size no matter if i put directx or not...

    (i haven't put .NET Framework either... only all my current drivers)

    is this a normal situation, have u all gone to dvd ?

  4. weird because i did that before everytime (using custom iso extracted) and had no issue at all (the only thing is that during the process it tells more often that newer file is already on the iso) but after my os is perfectly stable !

    i know about virtualbox / wmware but this is huge and not friendly enough for a basical use so i hope there is an alternative...

  5. thank you both for your quick reply!

    yes i'm running xLite as an admin (latest build but anyway, same case before with others builds)

    well the truth is that i don't use regular sp1 or sp2 build but an already more recent one own made with nLite... so i guess this is why i've many popups... ;-) but i'd like to know if there is a workaround to accept all more recent files by default please?

    i dunno if there is any advantages to use a more recent iso than the sp2 but i thought it should even be better (less operations/lighter) ;-)

    yes i noticed all those hotfixes are not in the list but still wonder why coz it was there before and listed at windowsupdate.com , in my theory maybe more recent hotfixes do the same things , well i'll remove them from my dir...

    what about 480 ? why is this hotfix listed if it cant be auto added, should i use the regular integration method to integrate it ?

    last but not least... i'm using Sandboxie x64 (not anymore supported) and i know i should not install the following fix :

    160 WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB932596-x64-ENU.exe because of conflict with new Kernel Patch Protection...

    but Microsoft has made another hotfix recently that causes also trouble with Sandboxie (BSOD) do u guys know what fix it is?

    btw any alternative to Sandboxie that is not too big (like WMware) ? i heard of Shadow Defender but this is only available for x32 :-/

    best regards


  6. direct integration for patches bellow is not supported, do i have to force it and use the regular integration method for those hotfixes ?

    are they still needed ?






  7. how to bypass the popup "File is newer than the one integrating" and answer yes by default at "Do you want to keep the newer file" ?

    so bad that there isn't something like a "Yes to all" button option...

    i choose gui mode (not full auto) since i dont want to make a full silent install and add my name,...

    btw how comes so many files are newer on the iso than on the patches?


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