@Bâshrat the Sneaky Thanks I kinda was just typing blah was in a rush @zetto Thanks i've seen the post on this forum and others, but i dont intend to play with files like that unless i really need to. Dont wanna cause any damage to the hdd which i think i mite have by partitioning it (not sure there) I am current using a 4g hdd from donkeys years back, can only fit WinXp+sp1, Nod32 Virus Program, Msn 6.1, Spyware remover and a few download programs. This enables me to get me onto the internet so i can try and solve this SATA problem by browsing forums and just asking mates online. I have tried all methods mentioned by my mates who have had similar problems. Even updating the bios didnt bring the options it says i have in the manual to set boot SATA/Raid/Scsi or even HDD-0 - HDD-3. When i boot from the 4g i can see the Maxtor SATA 80g, can even copy files to it (copying from the hdd has errors on file). Using partition magic 7 i can delete partition and format it check it for errors and there is none. But when i disconnect my 4g to try and install XP on SATA finds the drive lets me quick format and copys setup files (setup portion complete) reboots and just starts setup to copying setup files again. I dont always get the same error 4/5 times i try, i use to get blue screen errors, now it just says c_437.nls is corrupt (i go into setup and press R for recovery and expand the file which needs replacing). Setup doesnt continue it just finds another error which cant be fixed. I have replaced all corrupted files it mentions and decided to run chkdsk in recover mode, it said it found unrecoverable errors which is strange because it doesnt find the errors when i have my 4g connected and scan the SATA drive. Any suggestion or further help would be greatly appreciated XP Pro + Sp1 GA-8IPE1000 Pro 2004 GT Edition P42.8g 800FSB 1G Crutial RAM Maxtor 80g SATA 7200rpm <--- giving the headache Quantum Fireball EX4.3a (4g hdd) GeForce FX 5200 Onbaord LAN and Realtek Network card