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Posts posted by joriosje

  1. HAve you tried reading the manual? Like in the example section?
    yes but i don't understand is well...

    i don't realy understand the english verry good.

    i'm from belgium.

    maybe if you van explain it a litle more easy then i understand it.

  2. you can use WPI in a network environment.

    i use it in a network to.

    sometimes it crashes in vista, in xp it doesn't crash often but it can sometimes.

    i have installed WPI on a SERVER 2003 standard edition.

    i made a shared map put WPI in it , al my setup files en i configured WPI.

    best thing you could do is give your server a static IP adress.

    then you can search on the user computer after a static ip adress and you find the server easy.

    then i made a command script (zsation.cmd) this script must be on your server in the shared map.

    NET USE Z: \\\share



    then you can open WPI from the server.

    if you IP adress of the server is then you can do it like this.

    first you make de files "zstation.cmd" it makes a drive on your server.

    you can open WPI easy on a windows xp or vista

    you type :


    then WPI got opend.

    you must make a useraccount on your server.

    because you must logon.

    i made a local domain : example.local can be a local domain.

    and then you don't have to log on every time.

    for further questions PM me ;)

  3. hello,

    i have some litle questions...

    when i aim configurating the software i want to know what some option means en what they do when i configure it.

    what does the option "condition" and "grayed condition" do in WPI???

    the options "registry before" and "registry after" i think you can some changes in your registry, or am i wrong???

    the options above these are "configurations","depent of" and "excludes" how can you configure these options and what do they do???

    if there are dutch people who know the answer you can reply in dutch to if you want...

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