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Posts posted by djanz

  1. I have now managed to build a x64 installer that installs the full .Net Framework..

    Only thing I need to get around now is to prevent it from showing up on MU ..

    Maybe I have to look into the mst stuff! Hoped I could have avoided it though hehe..

    I will attach the modified script when I manage to get around MU ..

    Further testing will be run in the weekend if I get time..

    Once again.. Nice script you've made, its clean and simple, yet it manages to build the smallest installer possible..

    I like the way you make people build their own installers.. Hate those premade "packs" with updates and installers..

    You never know whats inside and maybe there's stuff in them you want to exclude/include in your own custom made Windows... Tsch..

    Write you later... :)


  2. Hey strel.. I just managed to modify your brilliant script so it created a x64 addon.. I will run some tests before I write instructions for what I did..

    Btw .. There's atm only one thing I can point my finger at when it comes to your script..

    When I do a clean install with a FULL (every hotfix possible) addon that's called from svcpack I see alot of leftover log-files from the .Net Framework installers.. They are:









    Maybe there should be a cleanup subroutine included or is the leftovers there because of the design of the script? I.e. if something goes wrong?

    One could just write something like:

    del %systemroot%\*.txt

    in the end of the install.cmd, right?

    Or of course, since we have the names of the log-files just specifically delete each and one of them so nothing unwanted gets accidentally deleted...


  3. Hey strel..

    I've been using your method for quite a while now and it always works like a charm! Thanks alot!

    I just have a question.. Is it possible to implement a method in the script so it supports x64 .Net Framework as well..

    I mean.. The method would be more or less the same wouldn't it?

    I stumbled upon this site where someone has managed to create such an addon


    The only "problem" with this pack is that the hotfixes is not included...


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