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Posts posted by kennh

  1. to Strat79:

    i've tried to put the $oem$ folder onto i386 folder(z:\i386\$oem$)

    it could work by HD installing afterward,but i got another issue.

    when it unattend installing by CD-boot,unattend installing failed.

    because it seems would search the root path for $oem$ folder only,

    it wouldn't search any $oem$ folder below the i386 folder.

    i've tred[unattended]oemfilespath="..\i386\$oem$"but it doesn't work at


  2. to Strat79:

    yes~i've tried it before.

    when i try to install unattended OS from HD source,

    i got a same result as before.


    but i found one thing,it seems won't copy those sub-folders

    in $oem$\$1(install&drivers folders) by HD installing.

    but it will copy those sub-folders in $oem$\$1 by CD-boot installing.

    anything is wrong??

    thanks for your help!

  3. Hello Guys:

    i'm a new guy at this forum,i'm so glad to join here.

    but i got a big problem now.

    i created a folder $oem$(include \$1\drivers &\$1\install)

    on the root path(with I386 folder) ,and burn it into a bootable CD-disc.

    1.it could unattend to install drivers&AP successfully by CD boot.


    2.but it would fail while i install this unattend CD-disc from HD.

    example:z:\winxp\i386\ winnt /u:winnt.sif /s:z:\winxp\i386

    z:\=CD-ROM logical driver

    after installing XP OS,it won't be installed any drivers%APs automatically.

    anyone have a clue about this issue???

    i've tried the syntax in winnt.sif ---->[unattended]oemfilespath="..\i386\$oem$"

    but it doesn't work at all.

    unattend OS=WINXPSP1

    this CD-disc is bootable CD-disc

    i'm very appreatiate for your support.

    Thank lots.

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