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Posts posted by Galgalay

  1. Hello.

    I've googled this topic to try to find the remedy to the situation but have had no success. I'm hoping someone here may know the answer

    My laptop operates on Vista Home Premium. I have hooked up a SimpleTech - Signature Mini 320GB External Hard Drive. Everything seems just fine. The laptop sees the Mini. Files have been successfully transfered to the mini. Off of the mini, pictures open without problem on first try. So do excel files.

    The problem comes in opening Word documents. In explorer, I go to the Mini. Select a word document and double click to open (all normal procedure). Word opens and then an error window pops up: Windows cannot find <insert name of file> Be sure that is the correct name and try again.

    I close that error message. Go directly back into Explorer. Double click on the same file and it opens without a problem. This seems to happen only during the first time files are opened. Once they've been opened they seem to open again without this "double" need.

    Certainly this problem is more of a hassle then an insurmountable issue.

    I would still appreciate any recommendations on how to eliminate the pain of double the work to get into a word file.

    Thanks for your time.


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