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Posts posted by ippsatsi

  1. Thanks it works for me.

    You must correct this:

    ;Firefox install dir
    Firefox.CopyFiles = 16422,"Mozilla Firefox"
    GrePref.CopyFiles = 16422,"Mozilla Firefox\grepref" ----------here

    for this:

    ;Firefox install dir
    Firefox.CopyFiles = 16422,"Mozilla Firefox"
    GrePref.CopyFiles = 16422,"Mozilla Firefox\greprefs" ----------for this

    "s" at end.

  2. Hi, when i use your install script with firefox 3.0 and after update to firefox 3.0.1 , this fail, and checking files of firefox "last-update.log" show me this error :

    PREPARE PATCH grepprefs/all.js
    LoadSourceFile failed
    failed: 8

    and after ask me for download update complete (9.0 Mb) but this delete the all.js with this changes


    ;Configure default settings for all users

    "%16422%\Mozilla Firefox\greprefs\all.js",,,"pref(""general.config.obscure_value"", 0);"

    "%16422%\Mozilla Firefox\greprefs\all.js",,,"pref(""general.config.filename"", ""firefox.cfg"");"

    losing my configuration when create new profiles

    Sorry my poor english

  3. I did a program to make Nero Installer. Testes with Nero-

    This program generates cab necessary for a particular installation removing unused cabs reducing the installer.

    You need download AdminStidio trial and modify your Nero.msi deleting unnecessary FEATURES

    Like this post:

    Step IV : ( Installing Installshield 11.5)

    Step V : (Editing MSI)





    Refer to your Removed Folder i told you to create when you start to delete componets using installshield.

    The most difficult part is to track down all the NeroMediaLibary#######.

    Open up all the "+" and delete all the NeroMediaLibary#######, triple check to see you got them all.

    Otherwise your installation will fail bec. we already remove the NeroMedia cab files. So if you leave one

    just one, installation will fail.

    and this: but not mst else .msi file

    Guide for making MST

    1)In order to to make the .mst download AdminStudio trial, the password is utopia05 (Mod's the password is standard and not a serial). Install

    2)Open FLEXnet AdminStudio 7

    3)Then go to the tab Assistant

    4)Select the .msi created by the admin install, then hit start

    5)Then in the windows select under Customization option, select create a mst file. Then name the file.

    6)Hit Customize

    7)In the Window that opens you should see a list, Expand organization folder, then click on the setup design

    8) Select a Feature if you do not want to install a feature, simply hit del, and say yes to the dialog box.

    9)Hit save.

    My program:


    First, Select Original Nero Installer (downloaded from Nero.com) and Path to Nero Installer Custom (a empty folder) an then click in EXTRACT.

    Once extracted files to "(Path Nero Installer Custom)\Source" folder, copy Nero.msi from this folder for modify

    with InstallShield.

    Dont delet this:


    If not this error appear when installing Nero


    Second, Select your modified Nero.msi with "path custom nero" and then Go button.

    At the end pops folder with new Nero Installer, this installer is the same like original but without unused cabs ....delete Redist folder and unnecessary *.mst files (language files)

    like this: Let it English .mst (1033.mst file) and your mst language


    Code Language

    (This setupnero.exe is the next autoit script)

    Third, using autoit script

    RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info", "MissingFilesState", "REG_SZ", "0")
    RegWrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Installation\Families\Nero 7\Info", "EulaAccepted", "REG_SZ", "1")
    RegWrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Ahead\Nero - Burning Rom\General", "Language", "REG_SZ", "ESP")

    replace with your serial.

    The last RegWrite is for Spanish Languague("ESP"), replace with your Languague .

    Compile it and copy together at setupx.exe and run autoit script for installing Nero.

    That´s all.

    My program

    Download link

    Nero Custom Maker

    Run Nero_custom.exe.


    MSXML 6.0

    MSXML 6.0

    OR NetFramework 2.0 or 3.0 (bundled with MSXML 6.0)

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