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Posts posted by Zottel

  1. Hi, I found this guide in Adobe forums from a user called "bob" and tested it sucessfully on my german version Adobe Acrobate 6.0 Writer. I think it will help some users trying to install the writer version unattended. Sections regarding Acrobate Reader 6.0 are deleted.

    Change the installation pathes to your own ones.

    ---- schnipp -----

    Creating an automated silent install of Acrobat using InstallShield Tuner

    CLEO Support - 04:35am Jun 7, 2004 Pacific

    For anyone who has tried to use the InstallShield Tuner application you'll know how buggy the program is and be aware of the lack of support from Adobe. After 4 months working on and off I managed to get a (mostly) working silent install. I thought I would share my findings with everyone so as to help prevent a few headaches.

    Note I am based in England and some of my comments may not apply to US customers.


    Acrobat 6.0.1 Admin Install Point Creation & Maintenance

    Creating the Install Point


    1. Copy files to the network share that will be your Admin Install Point.

    • For Acrobat Professional these files are on the Acrobat CD

    2. Install the InstallShield Tuner 6.0.1 from Adobe Acrobat


    3. Install the software that you intend to create a .MST file for (Acrobat Reader or Pro) and update it to the same version number as the Tuner (6.0.1 at the time of writing). The latest Acrobat can be downloaded from Adobe as can patches for Acrobat Professional.

    Note: After further investigation his step may not be necessary.

    4. Due to a bug in the InstallShield Tuner the PC’s language and regional settings must all be set to English – US. (START Menu – Settings – Control Panel – Regional and Language Options). Set everything to English – US.

    5. Run InstallShield Tuner 6.0.1 for Adobe Acrobat and when prompted choose Rdr60ENU.itw (for Acrobat Reader) or AcroPro.itw (for Acrobat Writer Pro). These files can be found in the location you specified in step 1.

    Acrobat Writer Pro Configuration


    1. When prompted choose Create a New Transform

    2. Select AcroPro.msi as the base .MSI file

    3. Give the .MST file a name

    4. Click Create (this may take a minute to process)

    NOTE: Do not click on the Organisation – Product Properties field. If you do the installer will return a transform error when you try to deploy Acrobat. Instead enter these details in the Abcpy.ini file and via the command line. (See step 5)

    5. Amend the Abcpy.ini file as below:

    • ISX_SERIALNUMBER=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx (where xxxx is your serial number)

    • USERNAME=xxxxxxxxxx (where xxxx is the users name)

    Company name should be entered from the command line (See Installing Acrobat Writer section below)

    6. Features

    • Configure which features are to be installed

    7. Preferences

    • Configure your install options

    8. File - Save

    Installing Acrobat Reader and Professional (example)




    msiexec.exe /i "\\apps01\applications\acrobat\writer\6.0\AcroPro.msi" TRANSFORMS=\\apps01\applications\acrobat\writer\6.0\Acrobat_6.0_Pro.mst COMPANYNAME="xxxx" /qn+ (where xxxx is your companies name)

    Note: For the automated installs /qn+ should be replaced with the switch /qb which makes the install silent.

    The default spelling language can be set by changing the following registry keys (example below is for English-UK):

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\6.0\Spelling]



    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\6.0\Spelling\cDictionaryOrderID]


    Applying updates after Acrobat is installed


    Adobe does not support updating of administrative install points like Microsoft products. Each software update will need to be run after the original application has completed installation.

    "\\apps01\Acrobat\Writer\6.0\Patches\Adobe Acrobat 6.0.1 Professional update - multiple languages\Ac60PrP1.msp" REINSTALLMODE=omus REINSTALL=ALL /qb+

    Note: For the automated installs /qn+ should be replaced with the switch /qb which makes the install silent.


    I hope this helps someone and lets hope the next patch/version addresses some of these problems.


    ----- schnapp ------

  2. Hi guys,

    I made a version of Visio 2002 with the new SP2 slipstreamed according to the guide "MS Office XP unattended" without the option "SHORTFILENAMES" (didn't work on my version, because the installation cd hat already long file names in it).

    Every time when I install this version on my VMware XP Version, after installation it wants to reactive because of a change blabla.

    I don't no why so tried some other variant:

    - install Visio 2002 (no administrative) and then SP2 -> works no reactivation

    - install only the administrative installation without SP2 -> works

    Does somebody have an idea why visio wants to reactive (key for testing already changed ? :) )

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