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Posts posted by boltsinkinc

  1. I recently started overclocking an FX-60. I got it to 2.9GHz. OCCT 2.0 will run for aproximately 7 min before giving me a Code 4. But sometimes it will give me a code 1. Any help would be greatly apprectiated.

    Right now I have it set to 207 FSB with a 14x Multiplier. The vcore is set at 1.475. I fiddled with the memory a little but most people are telling me that you shouldnt have to mess with it, so I put memory back to default.

    Again any input would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


    System: The Little Beast


    FX-60 Motherboard

    NF4-SLI-DR Memory

    2GIGS-OCZ-3200 Graphics Card

    DUAL XFX-8600-730GTS-SLI

    Hard Drive

    DUAL SATA 320GB HD'S -RAID 0 Sound Card

    8 CH Power Supply

    600-W Epsilon FSP Group Case


    CPU cooling

    ZeroTherm ZenFZ1205 OS

    VISTA ULT. X64 Monitor


  2. Tripredacus,

    Thanks for your input i finally figured it out i'm not quite sure how but u made me go back and do it all over with ur comments. The only thing i did diffrent was hit delete when it shows both drives ,after u install the x64 bit raid driver and it worked i have no clue how but its all good thanks again.

  3. Hi,

    My system specs are:

    Windows XP

    NF4 SLI DR Motherboard

    AMD Athlon FX-60 Processor

    2 8600 XFX GForce Graphics Cards

    2GB OCZ 3200

    2 320GB Seagate hard drives (Raid0) w/ Sil3114 drivers

    I just purchased Vista Ultimate and was trying to install x64. My first attempt came up with this error: "Windows is unable to find a system volume that meets its criteria for installation". It also only recognized one of the hard drives and said "This computer's hardware may not support booting to this disk. Ensure that the disk's controller is enabled in the computer's BIOS menu". I can't get passed this point. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I apologize if I appear retarded. :blink: Thanks in advance.

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