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Posts posted by mizkitty

  1. Just curious if it makes any difference what the time stamp is on the files in my un-attended builds.

    I've just noticed that the .cmd I've used to make all my SP2 un-attended ISO's is set for a time stamp of Dec. 31/2002.

    Am I going to run into problems later with the SP2 files having earlier dates?

    Should I reset everything to an Aug. 4/2004?

    Anyone know what the timestamps are in the "official" integrated SP2 builds from Microsoft?

  2. Found a solution...added this to my regtweaks file:

    ;Manage Automatic Windows Updates






    Enables Autoupdates, with installs @ 3AM. It also greys out the options on the security panel so the customer can't turn it off. B)

  3. When you installing WinXP it asks for a username which becomes the main account with admin privillages. How can u remove this account (and the guest one also) and only show the actual Admin login account only?

    Using a reg tweak or whatever else..

    Thanks :0)

    If you're talking about skipping the "Welcome to Windows" screens where you have to enter at least one user name...this is taken care of in winnt.sif with the line:



    You'll end up with only the Admin account.

  4. I don't get any warnings or setup screens during install...everything runs fine with no user input.

    But when I check Security Center after install is finished...the "automatic updates" needs to be enabled manually.

    I've got this line already in my winnt.sif:



    Is there another entry or reg. setting I can add so the end user doesn't have to enable "automatic updates"? :blink:

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