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Posts posted by IvanH

  1. Two days ago, my PC couldn't boot up. It stopped after entering user password and showed only the wallpaper, the mouse pointer, and a window “userinit.exe – Application error” appeared.

    Yesterday, I used the original WinXP Installation CD, trying to recover it, but the SATA hard drive could not be detected. I followed some advices, downloaded nLite and made an WinXP Installation CD with SATA driver. It could see the SATA hard drive.

    TOday, I tries to use the nLite (version 1.4.8) prepared installation CD to recover the Windows XP SP2 on my computer. The XP recovery process finishes and the system reboots. Setup is continue after reboot, and the Windows XP logo appears, the progress bar runs. Then the screen blanks out, an error window flashes a fraction of a second, then the system reboot again, and again.

    It seems that the error message differs for each reboot. Sometimes it says “inadequate virtual memory”, or “… program terminated…” One of the error window has a title “Isass.exe – Application error”.

    Is there a way to recovery my WIndows XP SP2, without re-installing other application software?

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