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  1. Okay, we tried your suggestion and, additionally, temporarily disabled virus protection, checked to be sure firewall was disabled, and crossed my fingers. Sorry to report that these things didn't work. Anything else I can try? Mia
  2. Thanks, Gosh. I will try your suggestions just as soon as the user and I are able to connect remotely. I'll be sure to post the results. MiaE
  3. Both users discussed here are working on Latitude laptops with Windows XP, SP1. I have a user who has downloaded two *.exe files from our Intranet site. One is a dos based horse show program installation file and one is foxpro installation file. Instructions provided call for user to doubleclick executable files after they have been copied into the proper folders. When user double clicks on either .exe file, he gets a "*.exe is not a valid Win32 application." I downloaded the same files and followed the same procedures and it worked fine. Can anyone provide guidance about why it would work on my computer and not the other one? Thanks,
  4. Thanks for the response. I believe, after working with this problem all day, that the problem was the CD ROM drive itself. Once I restarted setup several times and forced the setup to request the CD, the computer started reading the files. Just another one of those hair-pulling kinda days!
  5. I created an unattended install CD and have used it successfully until today. The computer I'm using, although only having hard drive and CD Rom drive connected via IDE cables, finds the CD ROM drive as drive E upon booting from boot disk. During the installation process, there is a cycle redundancy error due to looking for a file on drive D. Does anyone have a solution for this problem? I didn't think the drive letter mattered for basic Windows and hotfix installations. Thanks,
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