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Posts posted by Longhaul

  1. You can set up PE by using the WINBOM.INI to automatically create a pagefile of specified size. If you want you could also have it create the drives assuming it has access to them through the mass storage driver.

    In your winbom.ini file you just place this command


    Disk1 = First.Config


    WipeDisk = Yes

    size1 = 10000

    FileSystem1 = NTFS

    ForceFormat = Yes

    PartitionType1 = Primary

    QuickFormat1 = No

    SetActive 1= Yes


    PageFileSize = 512

  2. ****, I have been using Diskpart this whole time and didn't even think to add the ID type at the end. Are you sure this works? This could be the answer to my problem. Although there is not much documentation on adding that to the script. How did you find this out?


  3. Just create the directory structure and then add the images. After you add them use the oscdimg.exe file to create a bootable iso.

    you need to change to the PE dir

    the one that contains the etfsboot.com file and the oscdimg file and type this

    oscdimg.exe -n -betfsboot.com -m "your_dir_structure" "ISO_File_name"

    You need the -m so the file can be bigger than the default CD size.

  4. Hey everyone,

    I have been browsing these forums for a while now, and have not seen any answer to my question. So here it goes.

    Maybe someone can help.

    I am building a version of PE for my workplace that uses all Compaq server hardware. We build automated versions of Windows. I am trying to install Server 2003, but in DOS I am getting the setup hangs error. I have tried all the fixes for running it from DOS but to no avail. So I am deciding to go with PE. No the problem is that we use older hardward along with our newer hardware so I need to be able to install the Compaq System Partition on the older machines that require it. But there is no way to create a partition type 12 in PE. At least I don't know how. Does anyone know how to do this or know of a program that would work in PE to create this.

    The SSTK(smart start Tool kit) does not work in PE. I have added 16 bit support but the tools don't work and Compaq stated that they are not going to be releasing tools for PE for a while.

    So any help would be appreciated.


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