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Posts posted by CliveG

  1. I've got a problem with CheckPoint SecuRemote VPN Client which is getting in the way of other applications and so i want to remove the protocol which appears in the LAN Adapter Properties. There is a .inf file for installing the protocol (c:\windows\inf).

    I'd prefer not to uninstall if possible but to "uncheck" the protocol listed just for the LAN adapter... simular to unchecking "Client for Microsoft Networks" or "Virtual Machine Network Services" this one is called "Check Point SecuRemote"

    Any ideas or pointers v.welcome!

    I've tried simply renaming FW.sys but that stops all connectivity.


  2. I want to connect to the most local server for installing my build from so what I was planning was to write a script which looked at the IP Address / Default GW of a machine when it had booted into WinPE and then lookup the nearest server based on a lookup table - I had considered a script to lookup in AD the site info but I'd rather keep this as indipendant and reliable as possible!

    I've looked at scripts which use WMI to lookup IP information or PING servers and they don't seem to work in WinPE - I ammened connect.vbs to get the code in easily! I tried using KIX32.exe and it didn't work either! Does anyone have any advise on lookup these details in vbscript or anything else?!



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