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Posts posted by mshaw

  1. OK, my MD5 is different. Looks like I need to find this again - I'll work on that when I have time (gotta get to work again) and update.

    Downloaded the SP again, and this time the MD5s match. Ran nLite on it again, at least as far as the extraction-and-integration step (got to the Options menu) and everything looks fine. Thanks, all - will continue this exercise sometime this weekend.

    Observation: I downloaded the first SP with Firefox 3.0, and the latest one with IE (7.0.5730.11, 64-bit). I wonder if this could have been the reason for the corruption....

    Mark Shaw

  2. Here's the info on SP2 (ENU):


    MD5: 46D05CE174437A224C8A77047D010AE9

    SHA1: 7F8E909C52D23AC8B5DBFD73F1F12D3EE0FE794C

    OK, my MD5 is different. Looks like I need to find this again - I'll work on that when I have time (gotta get to work again) and update.


    Mark Shaw

  3. I am curious what language DNU is (ENU perhaps)?

    Typo. It is indeed ENU (that's what I get for not just copying-and-pasting).

    After a bit more experimentation (specifically, leaving the SP2 out of the N-Lite options, which resulted in an error-free run) it appears that the corrupt file is in the SP2 download, not in the files from the installation CD as I'd originally said. I'll have to check this out w/ the MD5 etc you gave me; will do so later (got to get to work now).

    I assume you have .NET Framework 2.0 or higher installed?

    Just checked; yes, and for x64. Interestingly enough I also have .NET 1.1 (non-x64) installed; I wonder if having two installations is problematic?

    You might have fun with this post about XP x64.

    Wow. Thanks, I'll take a look at that too.

    Will update when I know more.

    -Mark Shaw

  4. (I'm an N-Lite newbie, please bear with me. I did perform a forum search for this problem, though.)

    I'm attempting to slipstream XP64 Pro + SP2 (plus more stuff, probably, but I'm just trying this much now as a test). I've copied the entire installation CD to a local folder on C:\, and have downloaded the SP2 update from Microsoft.


    OS: Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP1 (r.2.3790.1830)

    Update file: WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB914961-SP2-x64-DNU.exe

    Update file: WindowsServer2003.WindowsXP-KB914961-SP2-x64-ENU.exe

    Hardware: AMD Athlon 64, 2.22GHz, 2G RAM, 95GB free on HDD

    N-Lite v1.4.6

    In N-Lite I have chosen the local folder with the XP64 files, plus the SP2 update, and selected the option to create an ISO; that is, I've taken all steps up through the end of: http://www.nliteos.com/guide/part1.html

    N-Lite begins extracting files to a temp directory. When it gets to the file 'amd64\spconw.ch_', it halts with a "File is corrupt" error.

    I have recopied that file from the XP64 installation CD into the local XP64 folder, and tried again. Same result.

    Any ideas? Suggestions?


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