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Posts posted by slangdriver4

  1. kernelex isn't working that well for me. I used rp7 to get a shell32 version that was over version 5.0. Now I just need to get Windows to start using the new shell32 rather than the old one. And it will work for sure. I just don't know how to replace the old one with a new one. Can anyone give me a step by step process on how to do this?

  2. Alright to play this game i needed a shell32 version 5.0 or over. The version that my system is currently using is version 4.72.3812.600. I used rp7 to get shell32 version 5.50.4134.127. The thing is, I cannot get my computer to start using the latest version instead of the old version. I tried to delete version 4.72.3812.600 and it said cannot delete shell32: The specified file is being used by Windows. Please give me a way to for me to replace shell32 version 4.72.3812.600 with version 5.50.4134.127. Remember my OS is Windows 98 SE so don't give me a solution for any other OS's. If you can try to give me the easiest way to replace it. Don't give me a solution that involves having to put some disk in my computer. Thank you.

  3. So there is no other way to get that API for shell32 besides getting Windows ME or Windows 2000? Because I found shell32 version 4.72.3812.655 and its copyright is Microsoft Corp 1981-2008. So that means that version was made in 2008. So would that API be in shell32 version 4.72.3812.655? The shell32 currently installed on my computer is copyright Microsoft Corp 1981-1997 and that is version 4.72.3812.600. If I replace version 4.72.3812.600 with version 4.72.3812.655 that I will be able to play the game? Oh and please tell me how to replace shell32. Thank you. Oh wait version 4.72.3812.655 is compatible with Windows 98.

  4. Alright when I double click on mabinogi I get to the start up screen. When I click game start it says error starting program and says The EXL.DLL file is linked to missing export SHELL32.DLL:SHCreateDirectoryExW. Even if you don't play or know anything about mabinogi please try to give me a solution. I don't think it is mabinogi's problem it might be my computer. My OS is Windows 98 and I have all of the system requirements. Windows 98 is alright to play mabinogi with. So please tell me how I can get rid of this error. Thank you. Oh wait I almost forgot I have the SHELL32.DLL and EXL.DLL files on my computer.

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