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Posts posted by fbnewtz

  1. I installed my Dell ISO just now and there is one exclamation point in there. I used Double Driver to retrieve all of the drivers on this machine. Everything is working just fine, but I have no idea what that exclamation point is though.



  2. Yes, as many problems as I am having with a few choice programs it would be great to have them automatically added for installation. But there are too many variables for this to be a reality. I just don't see it happening. It really is easy to use auto-it to script a simple installer package. Plus you can always just ask and most of the time installers are created pretty easily through members on this forum.


  3. Let them do it. I read an article about India some where saying that there were locations so remote that people couldn't get phones. So they all got wireless routers and setup their own private phone system. People on the out skirts have connections to the real phone system so people can dial out to real people as well. I say that everyone in the US get together and create our own wireless network for OUR OWN USE. With the Analog signals coming available we should be able to do some cool stuff.

  4. There are a few different utilities out there for backing up your drivers. I have just found a few of them and used them the other day.

    I used DriverMax to extract all of the drivers for my EeePc 1000 machine. I was able to use nlite and added the drivers in there and everything seemed to work. I had a problem with the sound for some reason though. I think it had more to do with the fact that I had install the UAA driver first and then installed the real drivers for the sound card afterwords. I had a yellow exclamation point on PCI Device in the device manager and just reinstalled driver on it and it picked up the right one and installed everything with out putting in a disc or anything else. So I don't know how much of the problem was created by me or if for some reason DriverMax didn't do something right. (I put the blame on me first)

    Then last night I used Double Driver to download the drivers for a Dell machine I have. I have extracted them, added them to my nlite image but I have yet to install the new system. I will do that tonight and let you know how it goes. One note is that it did not extract my nVidia drivers. I had to download them from Dell. Which wasn't a big deal, but I don't know why it didn't pick the nVidia drivers up at all.

    They are both free, but you have to register DriverMax. I used the program with out the install code, but I think you have 30 days or something to get a FREE install code. The Double Driver is just freeware and I found it on www.winaddons.com.



  5. I am trying to create an automated setup of laptops for our sales guys. They all have EeePc 900's. One of the applications I am trying to install is Adobe Acrobat 8 Standard edition. I have used the Adobe Customization Wizard to create a MFT file for the installation. What I want to know is this: What is the best way to install an application that has been customized with an .MFT (transform) file? I did the same thing for Office 2007 but it never installed. I used Auto-It to create packages for my other installations and they all work. However, the Adobe package doesn't seem to work for some reason. To be fair the Adobe package I created with Auto-It was not using a MFT file, it was scripted through Auto-It and I am sure I did something wrong.

    I know there are several ways to install packages during the Windows XP setup process. T-12/T-13, cab files, sfx files with custom install scripts embedded into them, etc... However, I also know that certain installs work better one way compared with another way.

    I think if the community could put together a transform how-to then that would be applicable to most custom installs (involving switches). I see bits and pieces everywhere, but nothing complete any where. I would be willing to put together the how-to, but I do not know enough yet about the various ways to install packages through unattended installations.

    Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated!



  6. I want to install the ACPI update for my eeePc. I have created a cab file and everything else seems to be in order. I have not created my CD yet, but I am on my way right now. The only thing I am unsure of is the fact that the ACPI installation forces a reboot without a choice to not reboot. Is this going to cause all of my other addon's to fail? or is it going to create other problems with the installation?

    This update is required to be installed first. I don't know if there is another way I can do this installation. There are not any INF files it is only an exe installer.

    Any ideas on how to proceed with this one is greatly appreciated.



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