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Posts posted by Sithtiger

  1. Hi, I get a BSOD Stop error every 3 weeks or so and I don't know why. It is a error IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL STOP:0x0000000a (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000, 0xfffff800030f3f74). I usually have to restore it to get it back, but I have no idea how to figure this out. I've looked at the dump file and at least for me, I can't tell what the problem is. WhoCrashed seems to think it's a 3rd party driver, but does not say what that driver is. Here is the error I received.

    Log Name: System

    Source: Microsoft-Windows-WER-SystemErrorReporting

    Date: 11/3/2012 5:17:22 PM

    Event ID: 1001

    Task Category: None

    Level: Error

    Keywords: Classic

    User: N/A

    Computer: HK-12


    The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x0000000a (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000, 0xfffff800030f3f74). A dump was saved in: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP. Report Id: .

    Event Xml:

    <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">


    <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-WER-SystemErrorReporting" Guid="{ABCE23E7-DE45-4366-8631-84FA6C525952}" EventSourceName="BugCheck" />

    <EventID Qualifiers="16384">1001</EventID>






    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2012-11-04T00:17:22.000000000Z" />


    <Correlation />

    <Execution ProcessID="0" ThreadID="0" />



    <Security />



    <Data Name="param1">0x0000000a (0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000, 0xfffff800030f3f74)</Data>

    <Data Name="param2">C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP</Data>

    <Data Name="param3">




    Here is my system info from TSG SysInfo:

    Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version

    OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit

    Processor: Intel® Core i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9

    Processor Count: 4

    RAM: 16337 Mb

    Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670, -2048 Mb

    Hard Drives: C: Total - 476937 MB, Free - 25589 MB; E: Total - 953866 MB, Free - 5672 MB;

    Motherboard: MSI, Z77A-G45 (MS-7752)

    Antivirus: Norton Internet Security, Updated and Enabled

  2. One more thing - 64 and 32bit versions are sold separately? I though you start the installation and you can choose. This makes no sense...

    They are actually packaged together if you buy Vista Ultimate, but anything else they are separate. That would be really cool if all versions had both x86 and x64 together! I like Vista x64 better than Vista x86 though, if for but only one reason. On my desktop I have 4GB of RAM and if I had Vista x86 or XP Pro (x86 of course) I could only use 3GB of RAM. Of course for XP, you really don't need 3GB of RAM in most cases, but still....if you've got it, you don't want to waste it.

  3. Well, I was thinking about giving this thing another shot after those infamous 10 minutes last year.

    Are there any noticeable differences between 64 and 32 bit versions? Performance-wise, mostly. On 64bit I assume most of my programs wouldn't work.

    Not true...I have Vista HP x64 and I'm able to 85%+ of my programs. The only programs I can't run are 16-bit programs or games like the original DOOM or Quake...I can run games as old as Quake II for example. What's more is in office apps 64-bit is usually faster and of course 64-bit apps are allot faster than 32-bit apps on a 32-bit OS, but then they're aren't that many 64-bit apps. That's OK though because Vista x64 has something called WoW64 (Windows on Windows) which is basically emulation software, but this allows it to perform just as fast as XP does in it's native 32-bit state!

    Now, as far as performance goes that you can see, I doubt you'd be able to see any differences between Vista x86 and x64. Something you can see is that 32-bit OS's can only see up to 3GB of RAM while 64-bit can see up to 8GB and over depending on which Vista version you have. I think Vista Home Premium like I have can see up to 8GB, while the Ultimate version can see up to something like 64GB of RAM. I'm not sure about that last big but I am sure that every 32-bit OS has a memory limitation of 3 gigabytes!

    I have both Vista x64 on my desktop that I built and Vista 32-bit on my Dell Inspiron E1505 laptop. I think my desktop runs a bit better with Vista x64, but then it's pretty powerful too!

  4. It means you've got Vista home, and can't manage users in a sane way and must use the silly control panel applet. Sigh. If you run system restore as administrator (right-click) do you get the same problem? If so, I'd run process monitor on the machine (again, run as administrator) and see where the "Access Denied" is coming from.

    Well I found out the problem was SP1 afterall. I reformatted and reinstalled and I've got all the updates and patches along with all suspect programs. SP1 was the offender. I just d/led the good hotfixes from SP1 without actually d/ling SP1 now and all is well again. Apparently SP1 isn't ready for public use yet!

    You're the first person I've heard of having this issue with SP1, so I'm not sure your assessment is accurate about it not being ready, but it is possible one of the hotfixes that isn't GDR but included in SP1 could cause it.

    If you're reinstalling, what happens if you install an actual SP1 copy of Vista?

    I don't know as I just have Vista without SP1 like most people. I can tell you that when I installed Vista I had no problems with System Restore prior to installing SP1. I did have SP1 installed previously and I believe System Restore was working OK, but I can't say for certain. The only thing I can say for certain is that the programs that I thought could be causing the problem have been cleared. Like I said, I don't think it happens to everyone but it does happen. I can't find the site now but I saw on a forum where someone was stating that SP1 broke System Restore. I didn't believe him until I saw it myself.

  5. It means you've got Vista home, and can't manage users in a sane way and must use the silly control panel applet. Sigh. If you run system restore as administrator (right-click) do you get the same problem? If so, I'd run process monitor on the machine (again, run as administrator) and see where the "Access Denied" is coming from.

    Well I found out the problem was SP1 afterall. I reformatted and reinstalled and I've got all the updates and patches along with all suspect programs. SP1 was the offender. I just d/led the good hotfixes from SP1 without actually d/ling SP1 now and all is well again. Apparently SP1 isn't ready for public use yet!

  6. Are you talking about your computer going to sleep? You can stop that and stop it from hibernating. Just change your power profile in Control Panel -> System and Maintenance -> Power Profile. Then set it to High Performance. Then if you need to you can select change the settings and look at individual components such as the hard drive. I've got mine auto sleep for the hard drives set to never. If I want it to go to sleep, I want to manually do it myself!

  7. If you go into the user manager (lusrmgr.msc), you don't have an "administrator" (disabled) account?

    No check out the pic and what it shows. Geez, what does this mean? I don't have any groups and it says the snapin may not be used. Let me know how to fix this if you can can.....thanks.


  8. Actually I am using the admin accout but I use Sithtiger. I did however make another Admin account and it did the same thing unfortunately. There are no other accounts other than a guest account. One thing I could try is turning UAC back on. That's the first thing I turned off when I installed Vista for the first time, but I didn't have any problems accessing System Restore. I think one of my programs is causing it...maybe Nero or Perfect Disk Server 2008....not sure which and not absolutely sure it's one of those but I think it might be. I'm gonna try enabling UAC and see what happens.


    Well I tried both adding another Admin account...no dice with the System Restore....did the same thing. Also I tried turning on the UAC again and again nothing.

  9. First I checked this thread Sorry not trying to promote another site: http://forums.techguy.org/windows-vi...ss-denied.html

    to make sure if any of those things worked and they didn't but my problem is slightly different. When I click on System Restore to do a manual restore it says it's turned off. I don't know how to turn it back on either. Also when I uncheck the Read Only box in the System Volume Information, it doesn't stick. It immediately comes right back. I feel that if I could get this box unchecked I'd be fine.

    When I click on System Restore or type in rstrui.exe I get a windows that pops up and says that System Protection is turned off and then when I click on Open System Protection at the bottom the 0x80070005 error comes up. Also where it says Available disks, it says searching.. When I click OK, it says it cannot rescan the disks for the following reason: Access is denied. And yes I'm logged in as Admin....not Admin but I have Admin authority. What gives?? By any chance would Nero Back Up cause this? This is a fresh install of Vista HP x64 and I have a few programs installed but not much. I have 3 HDD's. A 500GB WD SATA, a 250GB Seagate SATA and a 80GB IDE drives. My C: drive is my 500GB SATA drive. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! Oh and I had this problem before SP1 was installed too.

    Thanks in advance!




  10. **FIXED**

    OK, I figured out how to fix it. I had to reset all the Windows programs back to their default. I didn't think to do this earlier because I had already done this, but just to WMP only. For whatever reason, it doesn't work unless you just reset everything back to the install defaults.

    So to recap, if WMP suddenly stops playing WMV or Mpeg files and you get this message "The file you are downloading cannot be opened by the default program. It is either corrupted or it has an incorrect file type. As a security precaution, it is recommended that you cancel the dowload." Then you have to do reset Windows back to factory settings. Start -> Default Programs -> Set Program Access and Computer Defaults. Then click on Microsoft and then click OK and it should fix it assuming you have the same problem.

    Another fix is to go your run field and type this in: regsvr32 wmp.dll

    It's a kind of reset too, but this one didn't work for me, but it worked for many people at the Microsoft TechNet forums.

  11. I'm having a problem streaming videos in Vista. When I go to stream something it loads them whole thing into a temp file first and then runs the vid. I had an accident... was dual installing both Vista and Ubuntu and now I've reinstalled both. Prior to the reformat I didn't have a problem with streaming vids. I'd click on it and it would load up in about a second and stream. Now it fully loads and it doesn't stream at all. Does anyone have any ideas as to how to get this work again? I have Vista SP1 x64 and had SP1 installed previously too, so it's not that.

    Here's the error that I get: "The file you are downloading cannot be opened by the default program. It is either corrupted or it has an incorrect file type. As a security precaution, it is recommended that you cancel the download."

    I don't understand...prior to reformat, I was able to watch streaming videos just fine but now I can't. Some video formats do run, but they too have problems. Before they run though, they completely download to a temporary folder. What gives?

    Thanks in advance!

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