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Posts posted by joe2

  1. i had to do 10 reinstalls of xp this week and i used nlite for the first time and I LOVE IT!

    however i have two small problems after my first nlite install.

    1) the mouseover/active item in all menus has a light purple background color instead of the default dark blue. i was able to fix this by choosing the windows classic theme but what did i lose by removing the previous theme that nlite had set up for me?

    this second problem might have started after i ran the SP3 installer. i don't know if it was happening after the first install but i didn't notice it until after i installed xp and then sp3 on top of it.

    2) right-button-drag and other methods of copying/moving don't work. i can LMB drag/drop something on the desktop to a new position and that works, but if i drag it to a different folder, nothing happens. if i RMB drag somewhere, instead of a menu appearing (create shortcut, copy, move) nothing happens. it does show the transparent icon under the mouse cursor AS i move but as soon as i let go of the mouse button nothing happens. if i right click an icon i do get the full menu, and i can copy/paste files to a new location or click to create a shortcut and then copy/paste the shortcut. but i can't drag anything any more. this is a big hassle and i will probably try another reinstall to see if it goes away.

    are either of these known issues or do they have known fixes? thanks! i love nlite :D

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