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  1. Maybe you could add information on changing the location of "program Files (x86)" to your guide as I have spent a long time looking it up. I assume (not tested) that these entries can be manually added to "AMD64\WINNT.SIF" before making the CD image in nLite (i.e. optional step 9.5): [GuiUnattended] ProfilesDir=D:\Profiles [unattended] ProgramFilesDir="D:\Programs64Bit" programfilesdir(x86)="D:\Programs32Bit" CommonProgramFilesDir="D:\Programs64Bit\Common" commonprogramfilesdir(x86)="D:\Programs32Bit\Common" Will that work? I have used the values when using a floppy for unattended setup but not the method above as I only just found where nLite puts the answer file. A related question: If I have a CD created with nLite with unattended setup (no custom x86 paths defined), and I just add the missing variables to a floppy WINNT.SIF, will the setup use the details from both files, the one on the CD or the one on the floppy? If I can just add variables via floppy, or override with full answers on a floppy I won't have to burn a new CD (and I can use the same CD to setup many computers with different details). Obviously if the CD file overrides the floppy I can't do this. Anyway, I think people would like to know how to move these directories since nLite dosen't give you the option. Update: It would seem that if a floppy with WINNT.SIF is detected, it is used and the one on the CD is ignored. If no floppy is detected it looks for it on the CD. It doesn't use them both. Edit: Changed I386 to AMD64. I386 is for 32bit XP!
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