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Posts posted by PeteDOD

  1. *** cross posted from NT4/2000/2003 ***

    We need to give a group permissions in the registry (HKCR and below) and have been using Microsoft's SubinACL.exe utility to do it. While the docs say that SubinACL can apply multiple perms at once to files using the same logic on the registry (just add the extra perms to the command) doesn't seem to work.

    The command is:

    subinacl /keyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes /grant=INTERACTIVE=F

    With files the MS example is:


    The task in this example is to grant Domain1\User1 the PACEs of Execute and Take Ownership on the file C:\Test.txt. Type the following at the command line:

    subinacl /file C:\TEST.TXT /grant=domain1\user1=xo


    but entering more than one perm after the /grant=GROUP= fails. I also tried running it multiple times but the perms were replaced.

    Anyone been able to do this?


  2. We need to give a group permissions in the registry (HKCR and below) and have been using Microsoft's SubinACL.exe utility to do it. While the docs say that SubinACL can apply multiple perms at once to files using the same logic on the registry (just add the extra perms to the command) doesn't seem to work.

    The command is:

    subinacl /keyreg HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes /grant=INTERACTIVE=F

    With files the MS example is:

    The task in this example is to grant Domain1\User1 the PACEs of Execute and Take Ownership on the file C:\Test.txt. Type the following at the command line:

    subinacl /file C:\TEST.TXT /grant=domain1\user1=xo

    but entering more than one perm after the /grant=GROUP= fails. I also tried running it multiple times but the perms were replaced.

    Anyone been able to do this?


  3. open up your regedit registry-editor, navigate to the appropriate key or string and choose EXPORT. switch file-type to "Win9x/NT4 Regfiles" and click SAVE.

    now, you've got a regedit4-file :-)

    the first line in these type of reg-files says always "REGEDIT4"

    the new w2k-type shows "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00"

    don't ask me what is the difference :-))

    The difference is that the V5 file is saved in UNICODE whereas the V4 file is saved in ASCII. Makes a difference because some programs cannot handle UNICODE.

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