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Posts posted by little_alien

  1. i went away and had a think decided this i remebver having issues before a bit like this, then i injected the mass storage drivers into the WINPE images and also the capture image and that worked, anyway i have tried that and will be testing tommrrow, as finished work now. doh.


    ok since the WDS image isn't working i have tried a couple of different methods.

    1. WDS Installed but wont Boot.

    2. Windows XP CD - sp2 official microsoft - install and blue screen - no boot

    3. Vista DVD same result

    4. HP RESTORE PLUS DVD - works fine installs.

    howver i have a few concerns. this leaves me with a HP build not out standard and required several hours of software loading per machine.

    2 doesnt allow us to enter our volume licence.

    since realising this is the issue it has shown up on the new 6930 laptops as well.. bit worrying....

    has anyone else had any issues with these newest models?

  3. Hi all

    been running a single image through WDS, using Hal update etc.

    anyway this image orgionally created and syspreped through a HP DC7800 pc since then support has been added for a range of units including 7900 6930 2530. all of which have been working fine.

    all have been working fine, but we had a new batch of the 7900 units in this week, all of a sudden the 7900 wont work. says system.ini is missing, its not and has installed on the machine. - but the machine is asking if i want to boot into safe mode and then crashes and repeats the initial screen.

    from a cursory inspection i cant find anything different to the 7900 we had a month ago.which worked fine, and the image is still working fine on all other model numbers.

    any thoughts...

  4. spose would be a bit more use if i put some detail in.

    WDS setup - xp laptop

    xp image to be installed again.

    Drivers are the PRO1000 from hp website

    tried injecting the ones from the pro1000\win32\ directory and the ones from the main directory, have always worked with just the pro1000 DIR on other models.

  5. yer f12 the first time takes us into the system and then the second time into the WDS black menu. just the way it runs, never though on that.

    anyway no pxe error just that one,

    all other models are currently running fine, as i said have confirmed the drivers and injected them into the image, i have even take a clean boot.wim and done it again and still doenst. hmm

  6. Hi

    I have received a new hp 7900 SSF model.

    I tried to do a simple install from the desktop image on wds but for some reason getting the error that it cannot get a network address from the DHCP

    now all other models are fine

    so as per ususal i injected the drivers into the Boot.wim and uploaded it to the wds server.

    all went fine and confimed the correct drivers had gone in,.

    but still unable to access it.

    first f12 fine

    second f12 gives the error

    wds client: An error occurred while obtaining an IP address from the DHCP server, please check to ensure there is an operational DHCP server on this network segment”,

    go figure...

  7. Hi all

    Couple of month back setup a single image WDS for winxp which is working grand :)

    test site worked fine

    then started installing it on 3 sites that also have a DFS share on them,

    Went to the first two sties and installed sp2 wds and WAIK without hitch, infact all the images had already transfered accross and all it took was inital config and a service restart, woo hoo

    Went to my final site yesterday and proceeded as had worked 2wice previously, install seemed to have gone well so booted up a new machine f12 f12 and up pops the RIS Screen.

    restarted the sevice again etc and same

    server is running im mixed mode as we do have a bunch of legacy images that need to be maintained hoever the other sites are still working fine,

    urr any thoughts..

    thanks in advance

    ps i have doecumentation written for WDS XP single image instaltion if people want me to post it.

  8. Hi

    been developing a universal image for HP desktops ranging from D510 - dc7800

    all been going well created the initial image on the 7800 and have drivers setup for the 7700 and 7100 working fine

    even been able to install d530 no problems

    however come to the d510 or d51s as it says on the S/N.

    f12 works fine

    loads the drivers fine and downloads the winpe stuff,

    goes through the initial loading fine,

    but when it gets to the point it should be listing the images i just get a blank error box, or it crases out and the get the compaq splash screen again.

    checked all the nic drivers and they are fine

    tried updating the bios no help

    any ideas~>?


  9. gonna do it the long way

    /driver/7800/Nic;driver/7800/audio; etc etc

    although did think of another way, not sure if it will work but migt try it

    1/ - Put the install into Nlite adding all the drivers that way.

    2/ - Installing it on a machine

    3/ - Sysprep

    4/ - Change the sysprep.ini to add the HAL update code

    5/ - Capture the image into wds.

    6/ - And install it that way..........

    what ya reken anyone tried it that way>?

  10. Morning

    got a wds setup along the lines of





    they're setup on the wds server,

    just wondering of you can have the drivers split into the model numbers under each of the sections without having to specify each of them individually ie

    OEMPnPDriversPath="Drivers\Nic\7800;Drivers\Nic\7700;Drivers\Nic\7600 etc

  11. hey all

    I know this issue must have been posted before but i cannot find anything. must be going blind.

    basically setup a unversal image setup for xp with wds, which has been working with a couple of test images fone for a while.

    anyway i have come back to create a new image. when it comes to the image capture wizzard all fine.


    tick the " Upload image to WDS server " box

    enter the server name

    press connect.

    problem is it just freezes. I know it works as ive done it before but for the life of me cant remeber what i types well the format of what i typed.

    i remeber i had issues the first time.

    its setup as a standard server so REMINST share name on the server

    any thoughts...


    im having a thick day.... :blushing:

  12. hello

    Been developing a universal image using WDS and server 2003 for XP sp2..

    all going well just a quick thought

    doing the PNPdriverPath in the sysprep file

    whats the best location for the drivers, and can it be done so the dirvers are sat on the server >?

    think i have read to many forums and confused myself.

    so bassically looking to have the drivers stored in a central location on the server

    what would be the path?

    please dont shout if im just havinga think moment 0_o

  13. Hi all

    Tryng to get aa universal image together for a load of hp machines.

    we have created the driver locations but when booting into the os chooser its not showing the images from different HAls

    is there a way around this?

    thought i saw a post out there a few weeks back ( when this wasnt an issue) but cant find it now.

    any help appreciated

  14. Hey all

    just thought give you a result. unfortualty was an insanly simple thing ( as usual ) that sloved the

    PXE - E32 : TFTP open Time out

    error that we were getting,

    on the RIS Server for us it was stupidly that windows firewall was still running and thus blocking.

    Turned windows firewall off and it works.


    well just putting an exception on it and all fine.

    wel hope this helps anyone else..


  15. hi

    I am having the same issue with the TFTP pxe Error

    see quite a few posts around the web but havnt found a solution yet.

    the RIS server and the DHCP are on the same subnet but different servers,

    no routers in between them and prospective machine,

    60 66 67 are checked and well yer bit stumped.

    Any thoughts appreciated

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