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Posts posted by Ozzyguy

  1. @ CoffeeFiend.

    Mate, our lil app now works like a charm, due to the proper offset being used. Fantastic.

    We have been able to determine the byte size of the new key, and display it correctly.

    Do ya have any idea where MAK keys are stored ? I know you said you havent researched it much, but would be nice to be able to detect their presence also.

    Anyways mate, thanks heaps for the assistance.

  2. Substituting Office 2010 location returns an error "Error reading registry key"

    If anyone with delphi knowledge would mind checking it out, id be most happy.

    I don't have Office 2010, so I don't have a way to test (but I would love to, I would like a good implementation of this in Delphi I know works). But I can look at the code and see what I see.

    It appears from the script posted by Cluberti that you need to iterate through all the keys on the main path and then check the key from there. It appears you're just taking a full path and going straight into checking for the value itself, and not checking the branch for existence. Duplicate what is happening here and you should have better results.

    Dim strKey, subkey, arrSubkeys2, strOfficeKey, strValue

    strKey = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Registration"

    ScriptHelper.Registry.EnumKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKey, arrSubkeys2

    If IsNull(arrSubkeys2) Then

    'Office 2010 not installed, skip it

    arrSubKeys(4,1) = ""


    For Each subkey In arrSubkeys2

    ScriptHelper.Registry.GetBinaryValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, strKey & "\" & subkey, SEARCH_KEY, strValue

    If IsNull(strValue) Then

    strOfficeKey = ""


    strOfficeKey = strKey & "\" & subkey

    arrSubKeys(4,1) = strOfficeKey

    End If


    End If

    Thanks for your reply mate.

    Yes im using my sub key branch at the moment just to test.

    But, the algorithm either just doesnt work Office 2010 , or the location of the key has changed, ie the start offset (34H) and 15 byte length, which would return the Key read error.

    My mate is the real programmer here, im just searching for some info on the 2010 DigitalProductID, as we have tried everything, and cant get the key to be displayed.

    Every other Windows build, and office version is catered for, except this one.

    2010 has us stumped at present.

  3. Cluberti provided the Reg Key paths from this VBS Script, I just used the Reg Key Path

    in my app.

    Thanks for the reply Gunsmokingman.

    I suppose i should post the code snip im using. (Delphi)

    If i use the Windows NT location to extract the Windows key, it works fine.

    Substituting Office 2010 location returns an error "Error reading registry key"

    Im lost lol.

    I thought either the start and finish offsets had changed for Office 2010, or, the algorithm itself has changed.

    If anyone with delphi knowledge would mind checking it out, id be most happy.

    Thanks in advance.


  4. {10140000-0011-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}


    Neat little app you got goin there mate.

    Im just curious.

    The Office 2010 subkey of \Registration seems to be different on each PC its installed on.

    The only way i could get this to return a key, was to export my Key branch....edit it with your branch number i started with above....and import the reg back in.

    It did return an Office 2010 key, tho it was the wrong one.

    I have a mate who is building an app in delphi and found your post while researching it for him.

    We have every other Windows and office key being displayed, but were stuck on Office 2010.

    Is the decryption method different from other versions ? StartOffset, EndOffset etc ?

    If it is, would you mind posting the changes for me? As he can enumerate the subkey branches, but no matter what, the codes are always wrong.

    Thanks in advance mate.

  5. When installing Win9x, the process goes along fine, until i get an error "Drive not ready".

    I know this is because the drive letters are pushed further along by the presence of the ramdrive, but how do i get past the problem.

    Ive used findcd and used the tips from here.....but none of the other autoexec and config tips mentioned in here actually work.

    This autoexec is what im using...and it gets the furthest along in the install.


    set EXPAND=YES


    set LglDrv=27 * 26 Z 25 Y 24 X 23 W 22 V 21 U 20 T 19 S 18 R 17 Q 16 P 15

    set LglDrv=%LglDrv% O 14 N 13 M 12 L 11 K 10 J 9 I 8 H 7 G 6 F 5 E 4 D 3 C


    call setramd.bat %LglDrv%

    set temp=c:\

    set tmp=c:\


    copy command.com %RAMD%:\ > NUL

    set comspec=%RAMD%:\command.com

    copy extract.exe %RAMD%:\ > NUL

    copy readme.txt %RAMD%:\ > NUL


    IF EXIST ebd.cab GOTO EXT

    echo Please insert Windows 98 Startup Disk 2





    %RAMD%:\extract /y /e /l %RAMD%: ebd.cab > NUL

    echo The diagnostic tools were successfully loaded to drive %RAMD%.


    LH %ramd%:\MSCDEX.EXE /D:mscd001 /L:%CDROM%



    echo Now installing Windows 98 SE


    echo Loading...






    echo To get help, type HELP and press ENTER.


    rem clean up environment variables

    set CDROM=

    set LglDrv=

    How can i fix the drive not ready error ?

    Like i said, i have used the findcd method, but it ends up locking the system.

    if i manually change directories to the install drive when the batch finishes...the install proceeds perfectly.

    The drive letter prob is what i need to fix.

    Any editing tips from the above autoexec ?



  6. Ok. I have a Multi Boot DVD all up and Running.

    Server 2003 Enterprise

    Win XP Pro

    Win XP Home

    Win 2000

    Win ME

    Win 98 SE

    My Own BartPE XPE with dial up support.

    All work fine.

    Id now like to add DOS to the DVD.

    Not just to be able to install it, but to be able to boot into a full "DOS" environment.

    6.0 , 6.1, 6.22 and 7.10

    Is this at all possible ?

    Ive read a few posts here, but nothing is clear.

    Any ideas ?

    Thanks in Advance.


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