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Posts posted by dereaper

  1. after some more testing and removal it now only uses 300 mb of ram which is very very good for vista :thumbup

    and my xp only uses 30megs to run :blink:

    my nlited xp was only 90 megs and my new vlited vista is now down to 500 even keep in mind the install file is only 400 mb and the boot file is the other 100 it only uses 4 gigs to install and that with the 2 gig page file

  2. my iso size after .. well pretty much removing everything accept .net and aero

    i got vista down to 555 mb

    it only used 400 mb of ram on first boot and seems to be extremely compatible still with everything i throw at it

  3. no error since i am using sp1 vlited but the software will prepare the computer 100% then start to instal the software it reaches 100% and says canceled to complete installation please run setup again and the program closes out

    before when i used vlited vista rtm original i didnt have a problem installing the software

  4. no matter what i keep in the vlite version i cant get my zune software to install but if i do a fresh install with an original vista disk it installs right away i was wondering if anyone here can help me figure this out or if maybe a future version of vlite can have a zune compatibility tab

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