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Posts posted by HellSCream

  1. any one know how to edit the blue scrren from the very begining od the windows install?? After the "setup is inspacting your computer configuration" massage, a blue screan apers, and drivers begin to load. After thet is the licence aggremeant, etc. In there you cant create partitions, etc. For all of this is a blue background....Know eny one from whare i can edit it???

  2. I have made the exact steps from the boot screen guide. But, off course i do something wrong. i do not know what. this is what i whant to use as my new boot screen. (see the atachament). i edit the ntoskrnl.exe file with my reshack. I compres it with makcab, i put it in the right folder but whin i install the windows, is no boot. The original image freeze and remain like that until i delete the windows


  3. hello all, again i`m asking help for advanced people. I change the boot scren of xp, when i intall it, the picture is still the original one, but the boot is freezeing,. I must reintal the indows after thet. Why i have problms with the boot and login screen? can any one help me with this?? i give him the pictures, and him (her) make me the files?? Plese help. 10x anyway.

  4. I whant to create my own Windows XP. I whant some help with the boot end welcome screans. I intend to chenge them, and after install my new windows I need to be My own images on boot and welcome screen not the original. How i cand do this? and instaling the extra softwhare how i do it?? i put the kit inside or de instaled program??? Plese help

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