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Posts posted by devcynic

  1. Sorry, if i am a bit ignorant... But can I download the hotfixes using XPCreate, and then use NLite to do my rest of slipstreaming and making stuff, as usual? Will it create problems, like Ryan's VM Updatepack does?

  2. I am using this guide to make my Unattended Windows CD... http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/1/

    On the part, where it comes, that » I want to manually control my partitioning and formatting options...

    If you prefer to manually choose a partition during text-mode setup with full control on choice of file system, then make sure you have these lines set as they are under the [Data] and [unattended] sections in winnt.sif:





    If you want to automate this process with exact specifics on drive letters, partition sizes and file systems, you may want to consider using Bart's PE and diskpart.

    Link: http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/7/

    So, basically I want to automate this process to create, a 10gb C: drive and the rest for my D: drive... I have a 40gb harddisk. However, I donot know how to use Bart's PE and diskpart, though I've downloaded them both... Any help would be most appreciated...

  3. I am using this guide to make my Unattended Windows CD... http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/1/

    On the part, where it comes, that » I want to manually control my partitioning and formatting options...

    If you prefer to manually choose a partition during text-mode setup with full control on choice of file system, then make sure you have these lines set as they are under the [Data] and [unattended] sections in winnt.sif:





    If you want to automate this process with exact specifics on drive letters, partition sizes and file systems, you may want to consider using Bart's PE and diskpart.

    Link: http://unattended.msfn.org/unattended.xp/view/web/7/

    So, basically I want to automate this process to create, a 10gb C: drive and the rest for my D: drive... I have a 40gb harddisk. However, I donot know how to use Bart's PE and diskpart, though I've downloaded them both... Any help would be most appreciated...

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