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  1. Thanks for this thread ... I am interested to install just OpenOffice Writer, Calc, Impress, Draw. How Can I use this method for this ? Thanks!
  2. It's ok now, I have solved my problem : 1. To compress with 7-Zip : dotnet11, dotnet02, dotnetfx.bat, StartX.exe This create : dotnetfx.7z 2. To create a folder containing : dotnetfx.7z, 7zs.sfx, Msistub.exe, config.txt ______ config.txt_________ ;!@Install@!UTF-8! RunProgram="dotnetfx.bat" ;!@InstallEnd@! _______________________ 3. To make in command prompt : copy /b 7zs.sfx + config.txt + dotnetfx.7z dotnetfx.exe This create dotnetfx.exe who I use to instal MS .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 and 2.0 silently.
  3. Thanks for this thread ! I want to integrate MS .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 & 2.0 in my xp cd. I have used this french forum. But I don't know how to make a 7-Zip switchless installer. For information, I have in my \$OEM$\$1\apps\: 2 folder (dotnet11 + dotnet02) and 1 file (dotnetfx.bat), this batch : @echo off echo Installing Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 ... echo =============================================== start /wait msiexec /i %systemdrive%\apps\dotnet11\netfx.msi start /wait msiexec /i %systemdrive%\apps\dotnet11\langpack.msi /qb echo. echo Installing Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 ... echo =========================================== start /wait msiexec /i %systemdrive%\apps\dotnet02\netfx.msi ADDEPLOY=1 REBOOT=REALLYSUPRESS /qb start /wait msiexec /i %systemdrive%\apps\dotnet02\langpack.msi ADDEPLOY=1 /qb echo. Thanks for help.
  4. Thank you for this...
  5. Hello! Could I use at the same time GuiRunOnce and RunOnceEx without having any problem ? Thanks
  6. So, it's a false alarm ?
  7. 1- I have a problem : My Spyware Terminator has detected a Trojan (Fakedoc-2) by ClamAV in the file RunWPI.exe ! ... 2- Could I to know if it's possible to specify a destination for an application ? for example, to install it normally with the command setup.exe -R and to look for the file setup.iss in the %windrive% ... Thank you for your availability ...
  8. Thank you for this how to ... An other question : I would know if I could to specify the installation destinations of these applications (installed by WPI) ?
  9. Thank to reply me ... I think that you are ill, so I hope you a good recovery! - I would use WPI to add applications for my CD Win XP pro customised (like Firefox, OpenOffice, Adsl TV, Adobe Reader, ...) but I don't now how to make this ? Thanks
  10. Hello! Thanks for this forum ... this is the first time I use and participate an english forum. Usually, I frequent french forums. So, we hope to understand how can I use WPI : 1. Can I copy the entire contents of archive in the folder \$OEM$ ? 2. After choosing options and configs (by adding applications), how can I use all this in my CD Win XP pro ? Thank you... please, use a sample words and not use the abreviations, because I'm not good in English!
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