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Posts posted by yaneurabeya

  1. Hi all,

    I apologize if this 'bug' has been brought up already, but I was just wondering if there was a known issue with opening Office documents with the following conditions:

    Preconditions (occur in the second case I've seen):

    1. PC has Office XP / 2003 installed. Does in-place upgrade of XP / 2003 to 2007.

    2. .DEFAULT user profile has XP / 2003 info in it.


    Opening a legacy Office document filename with Explorer that contains spaces in the full path causes issues apparently as 2007 based documents don't demonstrate this issue.


    Filename is tokenized, and improperly interpolated by the Office app. For instance...

    c:\a\path\to\an excel\file.xls

    ... gets interpreted as...



    As one can see the above behavior's clearly wrong..

    I'm not sure why this occurs on some PCs, as I've seen it occur on both an XP x86 build and a Vista Home Basic x86 build as well.

    If someone can point me in the right direction or to the right people, that would be awesome..


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