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Posts posted by zapmaster

  1. Hey Gang,

    Well what happen is that the CD rom doesn't work and the laptop didn't come with a floppy drive

    So I used a 4 gig flash jumper to install the I386 files to the D drive. But due a timeing out during

    the first install XP changed the HD from fat32 to NTFS and when it came to formating the drive I was

    Going to have XP do it for me and when i got to that part I forgot I had the Flash in and noticed one of the

    drive needed NTFS so I though while I was at this window I would get the E drive formated and go back to do

    the C drive...... little did I know once you pick a the Drive letternon formated drive you can't go back :} :} so now

    my boot drive is E how do I get it back to C? XP thinks the C drive is the Boot drive and won't let me change

    it and the E boot drive won't let me change because it has system files on it.

    Thanks guys


  2. Toshiba laptop I am replacing the broken 20 gig with a 120 gig hard drive. The CD rom in the laptop doesn't work so I am using a 4 gig flash drive.

    I copied the whole 98se CD to the flash drive in hopes that the install would see the partition and format and install it to the D: drive. I was wrong it installed everything to the c: drive (flash drive).

    Now I have a working win98 on the flash drive.

    I am able to write to the d: drive and copy stuff to it. It's been awhile since I have partition and formatted.. Stupid question is.... after fdisk I reboot format /s how do I remove the active drive 1 (flashdrive) partition so drive 2 can take over?

    I have tried just deleting the partition on the flash drive and leaving d: alone and rebooting with invalided partition Table to come back.

    I can view the D drive in windows too


  3. well I found the new fdisk from bootdisk.com that can read large drives and have been able to see the drive but it see's my 4 gig flash drive and the virtual D drive only problem is that my flash drive shows as the first active drive. If I delete the partitions off the D drive and on the flash drive all my tools are gone off the flash drive. Virtual drive should show as the first active drive. I can view the large drive make a dos partition can even make to passes on a test but after rebooting and trying to format the drive I get invalid media on drive D.

    Now if I turn off the drive from the bios and boot to the flash drive I get c (flash drive) and D (virtual drive) but the boot disk looks for an A drive and can't find it so ram and tools never load to it so I get "tools can't find A so they were never loaded.....

    Now in fdisk I can delete all the partitions and try to reboot only to get "invalided partition" I have to reload the flash drive to boot again and get back into Fdisk only to find the flash drive to #1 in the fdisk list.

    I have tried just deleting the partitions on drive 1 and rebooting only to come back to invalided partition again.

    Gessh I need a beer.... I have been at this for 3 days now....


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